25 setembro 2002

ECO-TERRORES - Unveiled: the thugs Bush wants in place of Saddam: Corrupt, feckless and downright dangerous. Some say they make the Butcher of Baghdad himself look good. Who are they? The contenders for Saddam Hussein's throne.
Perils of Preemptive War: Why America's place in the world will shift - for the worse - if we attack Iraq
The Legality of Using Force: This effort to gain greater authority contrasts sharply with the approach taken by the president's father. In the run-up to the Persian Gulf war, George H.W. Bush first obtained a United Nations Security Council resolution permitting the use of force against Iraq. Only then did he seek and receive authorization for war from Congress. This is by far the better procedure, allowing Congress to make the final judgment after it becomes clear that no peaceful resolution of the conflict is possible.
Why We Didn't Remove Saddam by George Bush and Brent Scowcroft (March 2, 1998)
U.S. sent Iraq germs in mid-'80s: American research companies, with the approval of two previous presidential administrations, provided Iraq biological cultures that could be used for biological weapons, according to testimony to a U.S. Senate committee eight years ago.
U.S. Diplomatic and Commercial Relationships with Iraq, 1980 - 2 August 1990