31 março 2004


Polemique in the french blogosphere: A researcher (hypermedia stuff) published a paper about bloggers insisting on their ego-trip [...]. Few french bloggers (like bingirl) commented on it (laughing at this researcher). Some others also set up a website to make fun of it. I do share the feeling that this person does not really understand what a blog but I have mixed feelings concerning all this polemique. There is a growing gap between two different kind of bloggers in france (I think it's the same elsewhere): those who describe their life (with humor or without) and the ones who deals with specific issue (tech, politics... a specific topic). The latter are called "blogs chiant" (boring blogs) by the former.
La diffamation et les blogs et ce que nous devrions savoir pour l'expression sur les blogs.
(via mediaTIC blog)