30 março 2005


Dos blogues:
How Blogs Work in 7 Easy Pieces

Fontes de informação: A questão é mesmo muito pertinente: os "weblogs jornalísticos" estão a cobro da revelação judicial das fontes? Ou só os jornalistas "encartados"?
O meio é a mensagem: E mesmo se assim for entendido de forma positiva, quando a fonte revela informação obtida de forma ilícita, continua o jornalista a poder protegê-la?

Laying the Newspaper Gently Down to Die: "We deliver you less and charge you more." That is not the attitude of an industry that wants to survive. As to how it happened (the death spiral) Malone says: "One answer is that most newspapers are unbelievably retrograde. They grew up in a world of newsprint and that's where they intend to stay. They cannot believe an institution as venerable as the newspaper can ever go away."
It's a case of legacy costs. The people who are in a position to make the key decisions cannot see decisions to be made until they admit they lost the trail a while back. The disincentives to do that are quite high.
Equally a problem is the complacency of the semi-informed view among rank and file newspaper people.

Do You Blog? More importantly, some suggest, these web journals or diaries are turning into a respected marketing tool for businesses and individuals looking to make a name for themselves on and off the Internet.
Enter the lawyers. [...]
Some observers believe blogs may hold even more promise in the field of legal research, where they can be used to monitor evolving legal issues, uncover answers to arcane legal questions, or find far-flung experts across the continent.