04 junho 2003

Weapons of Mass Disappearance: The war in Iraq was based largely on intelligence about banned arms that still haven't been found. Was America's spy craft wrong - or manipulated?
America's Matrix: a false reality is being pulled daily over people’s eyes, often through what they see and hear on their TV screens. Facts have lost value. Logic rarely applies. [...]
Many Americans so enjoyed the TV-driven nationalism of the Iraq War, for instance, that they didn’t want it spoiled by reality. [...]
“Those who say we haven’t found the banned manufacturing devices or banned weapons are wrong,” Bush declared, referring to the mobile labs. “We found them.” [ver Iraqi Mobile Biological Warfare Agent Production Plants]
Standard Operating Procedure: The mystery of Iraq's missing weapons of mass destruction has become a lot less mysterious. Recent reports in major British newspapers and three major American news magazines, based on leaks from angry intelligence officials, back up the sources who told my colleague Nicholas Kristof that the Bush administration "grossly manipulated intelligence" about W.M.D.'s.
And anyone who talks about an "intelligence failure" is missing the point. The problem lay not with intelligence professionals, but with the Bush and Blair administrations. They wanted a war, so they demanded reports supporting their case, while dismissing contrary evidence.
Lawmakers Question White House on Iraq Arms: Lawmakers from both parties, saying the United States' credibility is at stake, on Monday pressed the Bush administration to offer more information behind its charges that Iraq had weapons of mass destruction. [...]
The White House defended the intelligence it presented to justify the war against Iraq. Secretary of State Colin Powell, speaking in Rome, said he thought the evidence that Iraq had continued to develop weapons of mass destruction was "overwhelming."
The alleged weapons have not been found weeks after the war, although the administration says it still expects to find them or suggested they may have been destroyed.