31 maio 2021

ver também: https://www.facebook.com/GeSIConnect/posts/2364040257053259



30 maio 2021

El laboratorio creará 600 puestos de trabajo de alta cualificación para el desarrollo de nuevas soluciones digitales https://elpais.com/economia/2021-05-28/vodafone-elige-malaga-para-establecer-su-centro-europeo-de-idi.html
Conhece a estratégia digital do Reino Unido para 2021-2024?

29 maio 2021

O texto apresentado pretende proibir a edição de lei, decretos, portarias e qualquer acto normativo que vise “o controlo de postagens em redes sociais”. Ao poder judicial é permitido apenas exigir a retirada de conteúdo após o devido processo legal.
European Judicial Network (EJN) https://www.ejn-crimjust.europa.eu/ejn/EJN_Home.aspx


28 maio 2021

Digital transformation of the way Europeans live and do business is one of the priorities of the Portuguese EU Council presidency, which ends on 30 June. To find out how much has been achieved, and what Portugal’s successor, Slovenia, should pursue, EURACTIV spoke to Hugo Santos Mendes, Portugal’s deputy minister for communications. https://www.euractiv.com/section/digital/news/portugals-contribution-to-the-european-digital-agenda/
Since 2017, our security teams at Facebook have identified and removed over 150 covert influence operations for violating our policy against Coordinated Inauthentic Behavior (CIB). These operations targeted public debate across both established and emerging social media platforms, as well as local blogs and major newspapers and magazines. They were foreign and domestic, run by governments, commercial entities, politicians, and conspiracy and fringe political groups. Today, we’re publishing a strategic Threat Report on Influence Operations that covers our CIB enforcements from 2017 through 2020. While over the years we’ve consistently shared our findings around the time of each takedown, they often are a snapshot in time focused on a particular network and its particular deceptive tactics. To keep advancing our own understanding and that of the defender community across our industry, governments and civil society, we believe it’s important to step back and take a strategic view on the threat of covert IO. In our analysis, we looked at what’s changed, how threat actors have evolved, what have defenders done that’s worked and hasn’t. https://about.fb.com/news/2021/05/influence-operations-threat-report/
Amazon and MGM have signed an agreement for Amazon to acquire MGM https://press.aboutamazon.com/news-releases/news-release-details/amazon-and-mgm-have-signed-agreement-amazon-acquire-mgm Why? https://www.vox.com/recode/22451787/amazon-mgm-james-bond-streaming-netflix-analysis

27 maio 2021

CNPD diz que o INE não demonstrou que os dados do Censos não saíram de Portugal https://www.jornaldenegocios.pt/economia/detalhe/cnpd-diz-que-o-ine-nao-demonstrou-que-os-dados-do-censos-nao-sairam-de-portugal

26 maio 2021

In addition to our Community Standards Enforcement Report, this quarter we’re also sharing: Our new Transparency Center, providing a single destination for our integrity and transparency efforts Our biannual Transparency Report that shares information on government requests for user data, content restrictions based on local laws, intellectual property takedowns and internet disruptions New numbers on data scraping Recent updates on recommendations from the Oversight Board https://about.fb.com/news/2021/05/community-standards-enforcement-report-q1-2021/

https://www.nature.com/articles/d41586-021-01362-8 https://www.researchgate.net/publication/344461606_Do_interests_affect_grant_application_success_The_role_of_organizational_proximity/link/609fed22299bf147699ece44/download Nepotism or cronyism is a critical issue, as the expectation is that grants are given to the best researchers, and not to applicants that are socially, organizationally, or topic-wise nearby the decision-makers. In this paper, we investigate the effect of organizational proximity (defined as when the applicant has the same current and/or future affiliation as one of the panel members) on the probability of getting a grant. We start with analyzing various aspects of this form of particularism: Who gains from it? Does it have a gender dimension? Can it be explained by performance differences between applicants or between organizations? We do find that the probability to get funded increases significantly for those that have a nearby panelist from the host institution. At the same time, the effect differs between disciplines and countries, and men profit more of it than women do. This study is based on one of the most prominent grant schemes in Europe, with overall excellent scientists as panel members. One would expect that if we find particularism even here, it may exist everywhere.

25 maio 2021

it is strategically important to use public funds to promote innovative activity in firmsto achieve the optimal level of R&D investment.Since 2000,indirect public supportthrough tax credits has become more prominent and is currently the main form of public R&D support for most OECD countries.This paper evaluates the impact of SIFIDE, the Portuguese system of tax incentives to corporate R&D investment, on firms’ behaviour.The results show the effectiveness of SIFIDE in promoting investment in R&D, both through the impact of the program on intangible investment and on R&D staff https://www.gee.gov.pt/RePEc/WorkingPapers/GEE_PAPERS_158.pdf
The Smartwatch Market is expected to grow at the rate of 19.5% CAGR by 2026 The new trend is the internet of things incorporated smartwatch that will operate connecting with other internet devices, which will be a key feature to enhance the users. This growth is majorly ascribed to the evolution of technologies that has majorly driven people in more conscious of their health and fitness. https://www.prnewswire.com/news-releases/global-smartwatch-markets-2021-2028---integration-of-internet-of-things-iot-gaining-momentum-301297765.html
Amid the COVID-19 crisis, the global market for Internet of Things (IoT) in Construction estimated at US$8.9 Billion in the year 2020, is projected to reach a revised size of US$25.3 Billion by 2027, growing at a CAGR of 16.1% over the analysis period 2020-2027. Software, one of the segments analyzed in the report, is projected to record a 16.9% CAGR and reach US$12.7 Billion by the end of the analysis period. After an early analysis of the business implications of the pandemic and its induced economic crisis, growth in the Hardware segment is readjusted to a revised 15.9% CAGR for the next 7-year period. https://finance.yahoo.com/news/8-9-billion-worldwide-internet-162500525.html

24 maio 2021


new Google Store in NYC https://blog.google/products/devices-services/google-store-nyc/

23 maio 2021

For every dollar a white man in the tech industry was paid last year, a black woman in the same role made 90 cents, according to a new report from the tech job platform Hired. That’s an improvement. In 2019, she would have made 87 cents. Back in 2016, that would have been 79 cents. https://www.vox.com/recode/22443656/diversity-race-tech-pay-inequality
The European Parliament on Tuesday adopted the new €28 billion Erasmus+, taking the final step in the two-and-a-half-year political process of bringing the seven-year education and exchange programme to life. In the final plenary debate, the Parliament’s rapporteur for the file, Milan Zver, recalled the difficult negotiations and praised the doubling of the budget and enhanced access to the programme for students coming from disadvantage backgrounds. “Erasmus+ does not only benefit its participants; it benefits universities, schools, local communities and society in general,” Zver said. “This has been recognised by our political leaders.” https://sciencebusiness.net/news/parliament-backs-new-eu28b-erasmus
Isabel dos Santos está nomeada na categoria internacional, “concedida aos esforços mais desavergonhados de um reclamante internacional para usar os tribunais europeus para silenciar críticas e dissidências”.

22 maio 2021

I understand the motivation behind paying some people more than others. Experience is usually hard-won and it’s valuable. Tenable rhetoric and good knowledge take a lot of effort to carve out. People who’ve done the work deserve a little extra bread. It’s true. https://blog.usejournal.com/i-am-sick-and-tired-of-hearing-tech-companies-complain-about-a-developer-shortage-fd1f5aa536cc
Can a COVID-19 face mask protect you from facial recognition technology too? https://reclaimyourface.eu/can-covid19-face-mask-protect-facial-recognition-technology/

21 maio 2021

The Connectivity Standards Alliance (CSA), formerly known as the Zigbee Alliance, an organization of hundreds of companies creating, maintaining, and delivering open, global standards for the Internet of Things (IoT), announced Matter – the interoperable, secure connectivity standard for the future of the smart home. https://www.businesswire.com/news/home/20210511005928/en
O regulamento sobre o combate europeu à difusão de conteúdos terroristas nas plataformas digitais, que têm uma hora para os bloquear após serem notificadas, foi publicado segunda-feira no Jornal Oficial da UE. https://www.portugal.gov.pt/pt/gc22/comunicacao/comunicado?i=o-regulamento-sobre-o-combate-europeu-a-difusao-de-conteudos-terroristas-nas-plataformas-digitais-publicado-no-jornal-oficial-da-ue-

20 maio 2021

Employee mistakenly sent the link when replying to a records request. https://arstechnica.com/tech-policy/2021/05/city-pays-350000-after-suing-hackers-for-opening-dropbox-link-it-sent-them/
diário do Diário da República: Carta Portuguesa de Direitos Humanos na Era Digital https://dre.pt/application/conteudo/163442504 Envolvimento de Portugal nas iniciativas europeias em computação avançada https://dre.pt/application/conteudo/163442507

19 maio 2021

Around half the UK labour force is currently working from home. Surveys of employees conducted in March and April 2021 suggest that spending two to three days a week at home is the most common expected working pattern after the pandemic. https://www.economicsobservatory.com/what-is-the-future-of-commuting-to-work
Portugal's Open Gov Week Events https://www.opengovweek.org/events/Portugal/ https://www.opengovweek.org/

18 maio 2021

Na União Europeia (UE), em média, 50% dos utilizadores da Internet recusam-se a permitir que os seus dados pessoais sejam utilizados para publicidade.

The three-year SparCity project, which has received €2.6m funding, is part of the broader EuroHPC Joint Undertaking (JU), launched in 2018 to increase the continent’s competitiveness in high-performance computing through the development of multiple exascale supercomputers. Alongside Graphcore, SparCity involves participation from Sabanci Universitesi in Turkey, Simula Research Laboratory in Norway, INESC-ID in Portugal, and Ludwig-Maximilians-Universitaet Muenchen in Germany, with the coordination of Koç University (Turkey). https://www.graphcore.ai/posts/graphcore-advances-sparse-compute-in-new-eu-research-project

17 maio 2021

The problem with reality is that it is very irritating: SpaceX’s satellite internet service is a technological marvel — when it works https://www.theverge.com/22435030/starlink-satellite-internet-spacex-review
she expects the shortage to contribute to engineers reducing the number of physical components used and turning instead to software to handle functions that had historically been done in hardware. The shortages tied to the pandemic are an accelerator for this shift, but it has been happening for years as the industry adjusts to the end of Moore’s Law and the ability to eke out more performance at lower costs. https://staceyoniot.com/the-chip-shortage-could-lead-to-an-era-of-hardware-innovation/amp/
XVIII Jornadas Ciência da Informação: A Ciência da Informação na era da Inteligência Artificial https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSeigB5dH_K40iSN7qsXNgVkCEQUks5RcTR18opLXChcogaSng/viewform

13 maio 2021

Antitrust, multa da 100 milioni di euro a Google: "Ha limitato un'applicazione di Enel X" https://www.repubblica.it/economia/2021/05/13/news/antitrust_sanzione_google-300745107/
Pedro Siza Vieira afirmou também que o último ano foi «absolutamente extraordinário como catalisador e acelerador de mudanças», que já eram intuídas, apontando que muitas empresas tiveram de apostar no digital para «serem capazes de manter a sua atividade». Nos próximos anos, «estou absolutamente convencido que o mundo inteiro e também no nosso País vai começar a ver fluir os benefícios totais destas tecnologias, elas vão transformar profundamente os modelos de negócios das empresas», disse ainda. https://www.portugal.gov.pt/pt/gc22/comunicacao/noticia?i=transformacao-digital-e-para-portugal-a-possibilidade-de-dar-o-salto


12 maio 2021

From Alan Turing and his team of codebreakers at Bletchley Park, to one of the most successful Soviet spy rings in Cold War Britain, to modern-day cyber-crime, Top Secret explores over a century's worth of communications intelligence through hand-written documents, declassified files and incredible artefacts from GCHQ's and the Science Museum Group's historic collections. https://www.scienceandindustrymuseum.org.uk/whats-on/top-secret
A surprising number of Americans can get $50 each month from the new $3.2 billion Emergency Broadband Benefit. That includes tens of millions who lost work during the pandemic. https://www.washingtonpost.com/technology/2021/05/12/emergency-broadband-benefit-faq/

11 maio 2021

Coisas de Maio

Pantone and Highland Spring Release a Helpful Pee Chart Because Y’all Need to Hydrate

Data: Axios research; Table: Andrew Witherspoon/Axios

Index of US Mainstream Media Ownership: to provide radical transparency and a better grasp of the U.S. Mainstream Media by listing publishers (owners, majority voting shareholders, and donors of titles) considered major US daily news sources. We have time-stamped this index – May 11, 2021.

Only very expensive movies fail occasionallyextremely expensive ones don’t. Why Content is King
How media creates power

What America thinks

Is gaming the next social media? Disillusionment with social media has people seeking new ways of digital engagement, Fajt explained. “At the end of the day, social media is not super social—it’s you in isolation, scrolling through a feed. And I think it creates this need for people to have real-time social connection.”

These new social gaming platforms are changing that, evolving gaming into a community-first social space. “Gaming is the future of social,” said Daniel Li, partner at venture capital firm Madrona Venture. And, he explained, for gen Z, “gaming is replacing not just old games, but it’s replacing TV and Netflix. So instead of going to watch music videos on YouTube, you’re going to a concert in Roblox and that’s a social experience with your friend…instead of going to the mall, now you’re in Roblox. It’s where kids are hanging out and it’s where culture is created.”

‘A wonderful escape’: the rise of gaming parents – and grandparents: Video game popularity soared during the pandemic, as people sought distraction and ways to connect with loved ones

Portugal averso ao risco: In 95% of countries, the gender coefficient is nonzero and in the direction of greater risk aversion among women. Of these, 82% are statistically significant at least at the 10% level. This reveals the widespread prevalence of the gender difference in risk preference, in qualitative terms, across a wide range of cultures and on a representative basis. [I]n almost all countries, lower cognitive ability is associated with significantly greater risk aversion. The age profiles (…) imply that risk tolerance is decreasing with age for both OECD and non-OECD countries. This similarity in age profiles is interesting given the diversity of historical experiences across countries, for different age groups.

Hey guys!“: How [YouTube] creators greet their audiences

What will our descendants make of the glass screens and rare earth metals of our smartphones? How cities will fossilise