29 setembro 2020

"Em vez do respeito pela razão, diálogo aberto, liberdade de expressão e direitos individuais e de propriedade, os sistemas políticos em todo o mundo estão a tornar-se cada vez mais autoritários. Enganos e mentiras, manipulação e propaganda, fomento do medo e operações psicológicas estão todas a ser usadas para justificar acções políticas e políticas que destroem vidas. Como continuam os políticos a convencer o público a acabar com a sua liberdade em troca de um pesado controlo governamental? [ 31 more words ] http://tictank.pt/2020/09/29/como-o-bem-maior-e-usado-no-controlo-social/


O OQCQ! entrevista o SETD, André de Aragão Azevedo Trailer: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mtDWo8gNkUM Entrevista: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5B9Jk0Jbsqw


Artificial intelligence (AI) is surpassing human performance in a growing number of domains. However, there is limited evidence of its economic effects. Using data from a digital platform, we study a key application of AI: machine translation. We find that the introduction of a machine translation system has significantly increased international trade on this platform, increasing exports by 17.5%. Furthermore, heterogeneous treatment effects are all consistent with a substantial reduction in translation-related search costs. Our results provide causal evidence that language barriers significantly hinder trade and that AI has already begun to improve economic efficiency in at least one domain. https://www.nber.org/papers/w24917


28 setembro 2020

Num ano em que cientistas parecem ter entendido tudo errado, um livro a tentar explicar porquê é bizarramente relevante. Claro, a ciência estava em sérios problemas muito antes do início da pandemia e as excelentes "Science Fictions: How Fraud, Bias, Negligence, and Hype Undermine the Search for Truth" de Stuart Ritchie já estavam a ser elaboradas. Mas é muito bem-vindo, no entanto, e muito importante. [ 1,921 more word ] http://tictank.pt/2020/09/28/porque-ha-tanta-ciencia-errada-falsa-exagerada-ou-enganadora/


as we put together our second annual Culture Next, one thing became clear: This year’s events have clarified — and in many ways, accelerated — trends that Gen Zs and millennials have been shaping for quite some time. (por inscrição) https://ads.spotify.com/en-US/culture-next/the-2020-report


A federal judge halted the Trump administration’s ban of downloads of the video-sharing app TikTok, hours before it was supposed to go into effect late Sunday night. The TikTok ban had been set to take effect at 11:59 p.m. Eastern time. Judge Carl Nichols of the U.S. District Court in Washington, D.C., said earlier that he would decide by the end of the day whether the Trump administration’s national-security concerns were urgent enough for it to go through with the ban, which would have prevented new TikTok downloads by people who don’t already have the app and restrict current users from downloading upgrades that keep it fresh. TikTok argued in court Sunday that the ban on downloads would harm its business. “This is just punitive,” TikTok lawyer John Hall said during Sunday morning’s arguments. “This is just a blunt way to whack the company now while doing nothing to achieve the stated objective of the prohibitions.” https://www.wsj.com/articles/tiktok-makes-its-case-for-last-minute-reprieve-from-u-s-download-ban-11601225594 Government lawyers argued the president had a right to take national security actions, and said the ban was needed because of TikTok’s links to the Chinese government through its parent firm ByteDance. https://www.theguardian.com/technology/2020/sep/28/us-judge-temporarily-blocks-trump-order-banning-tiktok-app-store-downloads


22 setembro 2020

The Hardware Lottery: George Gilder, an American investor, power-fully described the computer chip as “inscribing worlds on grains of sand” (Gilder, 2000).The performance of an algorithm is fundamentally intertwined with the hardware and software it runs on. This essay proposes the term hardware lottery to describe how these downstream choices determine whether a research idea succeeds or fails. Today the hardware landscape is increasingly heterogeneous. This essay posits that the hardware lottery has not gone away, and the gap between the winners and losers will grow increasingly larger. In order to avoid future hardware lotteries, we need to make it easier to quantify the opportunity cost of settling for the hardware and software we have. https://arxiv.org/pdf/2009.06489.pdf


Qualquer elemento da rede capaz de ler o tráfego da rede é capaz de ler quais as perguntas de DNS que cada pessoa anda a fazer. Em princípio pode-se pensar que isto não tem grande importância, porque o DNS só indica o site que se quer visitar ou para onde se quer enviar um email. O DNS seria "só metadados”. Com o tempo percebeu-se que esses metadados dão muita informação para quem quiser fazer uma análise e começou-se a falar de como proteger o tráfego de DNS das "escutas” na Internet.


The most-downloaded app of 2010 made the photographs you took on your phone look way cooler. Vintage-effect filters, artful vignettes and a square-frame layout gave your ordinary snaps a pleasingly nostalgic Polaroid appeal. But 10 years later, barely anyone remembers Hipstamatic. It was a different photo-sharing app, which launched snapping at Hipstamatic’s heels on 6 October 2010, that went on to change the world. Last month more than 1 billion people posted photos on Instagram.


21 setembro 2020

A SHARE Foundation apresentou um documentário sobre a vigilância biométrica nos espaços públicos em Belgrado, na Sérvia. O documentário apresenta as posições da iniciativa Thousands of Cameras, que procurar fazer cumprir a Constituição e a legislação, como explica a EDRi. O projecto “Safe City” em Belgrado está a ser desenvolvido pelo governo sérvio e pela empresa chinesa Huawei. Além das videocâmaras, o sistema inclui inteligência artificial para a analítica dos registos das câmaras. Um mapa de colaboração colectiva revelou o dobro das câmaras instaladas relativamente à lista oficial da polícia. http://tictank.pt/2020/09/21/videovigilancia-biometrica-escondida/


O Parlamento aprovou esta sexta-feira, 18 de Setembro, uma recomendação do Partido Socialista (PS) para a criação de uma tarifa social de acesso à Internet. A recomendação está prevista no Plano de Acção para a Transição Digital e não teve no dia anterior "oposição de nenhuma bancada" parlamentar, embora vários partidos tenham apontado a necessidade de "ir mais longe". [ 336 more words ] http://tictank.pt/2020/09/21/internet-social/


Longtime current and former employees say this denial may be a bit misleading. Zuckerberg isn’t easily influenced by politics. But what he does care about—more than anything else perhaps—is Facebook’s ubiquity and its potential for growth. The result, critics say, has been an alliance of convenience between the world’s largest social network and the White House, in which Facebook looks the other way while Trump spreads misinformation about voting that could delegitimize the winner or even swing the election. “Facebook, more so than other platforms, has gone out of its way to not ruffle feathers in the current administration,” says Jesse Lehrich, co-founder of Accountable Tech, an organization making recommendations to tech companies on public-policy issues. “At best, you could say it’s willful negligence.” https://www.bloomberg.com/news/features/2020-09-17/facebook-and-mark-zuckerberg-need-trump-even-more-than-trump-needs-facebook


18 setembro 2020

Os tribunais podem impor a obrigação de ler os EULA mas os utilizadores têm outra interpretação e praticamente nenhum os lê. Os casos ridículos a comprovarem essa decisão provam o desinteresse. Um "End-User License Agreement" (EULA ou acordo de licenciamento com o utilizador final") é um contrato estabelecido entre o fabricante de software e o seu utilizador. Segundo a lei dos EUA, os tribunais podem impor essa "doutrina" aos consumidores, num modelo criticado por ser unilateral: "embora se espere e presuma que os consumidores leiam os seus contratos, os fornecedores geralmente não são obrigados a oferecer contratos legíveis", escrevem os autores de " [ 258 more words ] http://tictank.pt/2020/09/18/um-dever-sem-direitos-que-pode-custar-a-alma/


Download Self Data Cities, the Playbook Autoria: Manon Molins, Chloé Friedlander, Guillaume Jacquart, Fanny Maurel e Sarah Medjek Abril de 2020 “Em contextos urbanos onde os serviços baseados em dados pessoais são numerosos e, ainda assim, as cidades e os cidadãos obtêm pouco valor deles, uma abordagem de Self Data pode muito bem servir para alterar isto - não apenas porque visa proteger a privacidade das pessoas, embora isso seja crucial, mas principalmente porque é sustentada por dar mais poder individual e colectivo pelo uso de dados ”. [ 65 more words ] http://tictank.pt/2020/09/18/self-data-cities-the-playbook-em-ingles/


Centuries of medical practice led to a knowledge explosion, fuelling unprecedented advances in human health. Breakthroughs in artificial intelligence and low-cost, contactless sensors have given rise to an ambient intelligence that can potentially improve the physical execution of healthcare delivery. Preliminary results from hospitals and daily living spaces confirm the richness of information gained through ambient sensing. This extraordinary opportunity to illuminate the dark spaces of healthcare requires computer scientists, clinicians and medical researchers to work closely with experts from law, ethics and public policy to create trustworthy ambient intelligence systems for healthcare. https://www.nature.com/articles/s41586-020-2669-y


17 setembro 2020

German authorities said Thursday that what appears to have been a misdirected hacker attack caused the failure of IT systems at a major hospital in Duesseldorf, and a woman who needed urgent admission died after she had to be taken to another city for treatment. https://www.securityweek.com/german-hospital-hacked-patient-taken-another-city-dies


Ursula von der Leyen e o "Estado da União"

A presidente da Comissão Europeia, Ursula von der Leyen, revelou no discurso sobre o "Estado da Nação", esta quarta-feira, 16 de Setembro, os três grandes pilares para a Década Digital da Europa. Pelo meio, anunciou que se irá ter regras para os algoritmos de inteligência artificial (IA), a criação de uma identidade electrónica ("e-identity") europeia segura, um investimento de 8 mil milhões de euros na próxima geração de supercomputadores e o desenvolvimento de um microprocessador europeu de próxima geração. [ 757 more words ] http://tictank.pt/2020/09/16/decada-digital-europeia-com-aposta-nos-dados-ia-e-infra-estrutura/

Papel electrónico

A vice-reitora da Universidade Nova de Lisboa, Elvira Fortunato, lidera o projecto Invisible, "o único projecto português entre os dez finalistas candidatos ao prémio Horizon Impact Award 2020 atribuído pela Comissão Europeia", cujo vencedor será anunciado a 23 de Setembro nos European Research and Innovation Days. O anúncio, feito esta quarta-feira, 16 de Setembro, refere que o Invisible "contribui para o primeiro ecrã produzido com materiais ecosustentáveis, actualmente comercializado por várias empresas, tendo dado origem a uma nova área tecnológica cujos resultados foram adoptados numa variedade de indústrias como as da impressão a jacto de tinta e dos diagnósticos médicos inteligentes". [ 90 more words ] http://tictank.pt/2020/09/17/papel-electronico-mais-proximo-do-mercado/

16 setembro 2020

How https works


The article outlines a picture of activism and repressive practices in the digital age, highlighting the backfire effects of information vacuums. https://ijoc.org/index.php/ijoc/article/view/12770 #Telecoms

The article outlines a picture of activism and repressive practices in the digital age, highlighting the backfire effects of information vacuums. https://ijoc.org/index.php/ijoc/article/view/12770 #Telecoms

The bottom line: "It's one of the most aggressive ad fraud schemes that we've seen recently" https://www.axios.com/multiterra-ad-fraud-scheme-911438e5-4a9d-4f2f-9284-e523bbe779f5.html #Media #InSegurança

The bottom line: "It's one of the most aggressive ad fraud schemes that we've seen recently" https://www.axios.com/multiterra-ad-fraud-scheme-911438e5-4a9d-4f2f-9284-e523bbe779f5.html #Media #InSegurança

15 setembro 2020

Portugal incluído: the present study explores the existing policies and strategies at European and national level, as well as the state-of-play of the use of innovative technologies in justice. Following comprehensive consultations, the study identified 130 projects that use innovative technologies - 93 projects of Member State authorities and the judiciary, 8 – of legal professional organisations and 29 - of ICT companies based on their products and services. The study identified 8 categories of business problems that the projects aim to solve and mapped these problems to 8 business solution categories. https://op.europa.eu/en/publication-detail/-/publication/4fb8e194-f634-11ea-991b-01aa75ed71a1/language-en

Portugal incluído: the present study explores the existing policies and strategies at European and national level, as well as the state-of-play of the use of innovative technologies in justice. Following comprehensive consultations, the study identified 130 projects that use innovative technologies - 93 projects of Member State authorities and the judiciary, 8 – of legal professional organisations and 29 - of ICT companies based on their products and services. The study identified 8 categories of business problems that the projects aim to solve and mapped these problems to 8 business solution categories. https://op.europa.eu/en/publication-detail/-/publication/4fb8e194-f634-11ea-991b-01aa75ed71a1/language-en

Before ‘cyber’ was a prefix for everything internet and computers, it was how mathematicians were going to conquer the world. https://medium.com/@bellmar/a-software-engineers-guide-to-cybernetics-d57c7def1453

Before ‘cyber’ was a prefix for everything internet and computers, it was how mathematicians were going to conquer the world. https://medium.com/@bellmar/a-software-engineers-guide-to-cybernetics-d57c7def1453

The joyful jumping plumber has been on every Nintendo console and inspired a generation of players. Shigeru Miyamoto, Kenta Motokura, Takashi Tezuka and Yoshiaki Koizumi reflect on his legacy https://www.theguardian.com/games/2020/sep/14/super-mario-at-35-marios-makers-on-nintendos-most-enduring-mascot https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WWbZFj-cLvk

The joyful jumping plumber has been on every Nintendo console and inspired a generation of players. Shigeru Miyamoto, Kenta Motokura, Takashi Tezuka and Yoshiaki Koizumi reflect on his legacy https://www.theguardian.com/games/2020/sep/14/super-mario-at-35-marios-makers-on-nintendos-most-enduring-mascot https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WWbZFj-cLvk

14 setembro 2020

Parts of the video game business, in particular sports games, have long been an effective marketing vector for the traditional pop music industry. Placing a song, or even a snippet, into a popular video game can expose that artist to millions of potential new fans. But Riot's continuing success with K/DA (which refers to kills, deaths and assists — statistics tracked in many competitive games) points in a different and potentially more interesting direction. As video games become a lingua franca of global culture, top game properties can extend fully into other forms of entertainment on their own terms. https://www.protocol.com/league-of-legends-k-pop-single-billboard #Artes

Parts of the video game business, in particular sports games, have long been an effective marketing vector for the traditional pop music industry. Placing a song, or even a snippet, into a popular video game can expose that artist to millions of potential new fans. But Riot's continuing success with K/DA (which refers to kills, deaths and assists — statistics tracked in many competitive games) points in a different and potentially more interesting direction. As video games become a lingua franca of global culture, top game properties can extend fully into other forms of entertainment on their own terms. https://www.protocol.com/league-of-legends-k-pop-single-billboard #Artes

Glenn Greenwald: Why The Media Is SILENT On Julian Assange's Trial


O modo de operação da polícia secreta soviética Okhrana pode ter enormes semelhanças com as novas redes sociais mas tem uma diferença abismal: agora, os vigiados são quem fornece informações e fotografias de onde estão ou do que fazem. A Okhrana "foi a força policial secreta do Império Russo no final do século XIX e início do século XX. Foi um… [ 328 more words ] http://tictank.pt/2020/09/14/facebook-uma-nova-okhrana/

O modo de operação da polícia secreta soviética Okhrana pode ter enormes semelhanças com as novas redes sociais mas tem uma diferença abismal: agora, os vigiados são quem fornece informações e fotografias de onde estão ou do que fazem. A Okhrana "foi a força policial secreta do Império Russo no final do século XIX e início do século XX. Foi um… [ 328 more words ] http://tictank.pt/2020/09/14/facebook-uma-nova-okhrana/

11 setembro 2020

When completed, the camera is headed to Cerro Pachón in northern Chile where it will be attached to the Vera Rubin Observatory’s telescope. The hulking camera, which is being put together at the SLAC National Accelerator Laboratory in California, will be able to capture sweeping panoramas of the night sky, reports Joe Palca for NPR. Once installed at the Rubin Observatory, the camera will spend the following decade surveying roughly 20 billion galaxies. https://www.smithsonianmag.com/smart-news/camera-bound-space-telescope-takes-3200-megapixel-photos-180975758/ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qc_iscV1uA0

When completed, the camera is headed to Cerro Pachón in northern Chile where it will be attached to the Vera Rubin Observatory’s telescope. The hulking camera, which is being put together at the SLAC National Accelerator Laboratory in California, will be able to capture sweeping panoramas of the night sky, reports Joe Palca for NPR. Once installed at the Rubin Observatory, the camera will spend the following decade surveying roughly 20 billion galaxies. https://www.smithsonianmag.com/smart-news/camera-bound-space-telescope-takes-3200-megapixel-photos-180975758/ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qc_iscV1uA0

This is the inside view of how exactly a router operates. You only need to know this if you are poking inside a router implementation. If that is the case, my condolences. https://kamila.is//teaching/how-routers-work/ #Internet

This is the inside view of how exactly a router operates. You only need to know this if you are poking inside a router implementation. If that is the case, my condolences. https://kamila.is//teaching/how-routers-work/ #Internet