18 fevereiro 2021

By analyzing a global sample of 4 million authors and 26 million scientific papers

...this study finds that the top 1% most-cited scientists have increased their cumulative citation shares from 14 to 21% between 2000 and 2015 and that the Gini coefficient for citation imbalance has risen from 0.65 to 0.70. The growing citation concentration should be understood in the context of diverging trends in publication and collaboration activities for the top 1% compared to the “ordinary scientist.” Our study raises intriguing questions about how rising inequalities will shape the evolution of science.

Where the internet was delivered by a donkey

When Kyrgyzstan moved all education online during the pandemic, some remote schools were left behind. Connecting them meant delivering them an “internet in a box.”

Artificial Intelligence in media: Automated content opportunities and risks

What are the use cases and challenges of using automated data analytics in journalism?

17 fevereiro 2021

Drug patent applications to combat COVID-19

Drug patent applications to combat COVID-19: we were able to separate the countries of origin of the applicants in this set and see a wide predominance of Chinese applicants.

A IBM considerou-o um dos "grandes desafios impossíveis"

Há 10 anos, o supercomputador denominado Watson ganhou a dois humanos no concurso televisivo "Jeopardy!"


16 fevereiro 2021

Porque quer a polícia violar direitos de autor

Nos EUA, a Primeira Emenda permite gravar (com som ou em vídeo) os agentes da autoridade ou outros funcionários públicos, sem necessidade do seu consentimento, e a distribuição desses conteúdos. É um "direito constitucional que anula quaisquer leis estaduais ou federais que, de outra forma, possam proibir tal registo". As plataformas sociais como o Facebook ou o Twitter têm regras a proibir o uso de conteúdos - musicais, em vídeo ou outros -, excepto pelo seu autor ou detentor dos direitos autorais...


Commission and parliament in secret talks on EU copyright directive

High-ranking representatives of the European Commission’s DG Connect will brief EU lawmakers as part of an ‘in camera’ meeting on Friday (12 February), after a contingent of parliament members wrote to the EU executive to voice their concerns on guidance issued for the EU’s copyright directive. ... The EU executive then issued draft guidance as a result of the consultations last year, but there has been criticism that the guidance does not offer the clarity required for rightsholders. The guidance came in for a backlash from some member states, including Croatia, Denmark, France, Greece, Italy, Portugal, and Spain, who penned a non-paper highlighting their worries that the guidance would not achieve the objectives originally set out by the Commission in supporting Europe’s rightsholders. ... Full transposition of the copyright directive into national legislation is required from member states by June 2021. 



TICtank semanal (Feb 12)
