21 novembro 2003


A crítica que alguns blogues, honra lhes seja feita (e este incluído), assumiram logo após os sete minutos da desastrosa "Operação Medias Portugueses no Iraque" está finalmente a chegar aos media tradicionais. Dois exemplos:
Repórteres de guerra
Ler também: 30 Media Outlets Protest Treatment in Iraq: Some soldiers' actions "appear intended to discourage journalists from covering the continued military action in Iraq," wrote APME President Stuart Wilk, also vice president/managing editor at The Dallas Morning News. [...]
APME asked the Pentagon to immediately take steps to end confrontations between journalists and soldiers.
Separately, 30 media organizations, lead by The Associated Press, fired off their own letter to Di Rita, saying they have "documented numerous examples of U.S. troops physically harassing journalists" [...]
"It's back to the bad old days where journalists are being treated as adversaries, AP Washington Bureau Chief Sandy Johnson told the Globe.
[Ainda sobre o Iraque, não há palavras para descrever o asco que um texto demagógico como este provoca.]