19 fevereiro 2007


New International Radiation Symbol

New Symbol Launched to Warn Public About Radiation Dangers: With radiating waves, a skull and crossbones and a running person, a new ionizing radiation warning symbol is being introduced to supplement the traditional international symbol for radiation, the three cornered trefoil.
Red triangle with skull and crossbones is for danger – new UN radiation symbol: A skull and crossbones, a running person and radiating ionizing waves, all on a deep red triangle, joined other more common warning symbols today as part of a United Nations effort to reduce needless deaths and serious injuries from accidental exposure to large radioactive sources such as food irradiation and cancer therapy equipment.
The new symbol will not be visible under normal use, but only if someone attempts to disassemble a device that is a source of dangerous radiation. It will not be located on building access doors, transportation packages or containers.

Ao contrário do que é dito no primeiro texto, o novo símbolo não vai substituir o antigo mas antes é acrescentado para certas situações.