Twitter? It’s What You Make It: Despite all the press, Twitter is still largely a geek and early-adopter phenomenon at this point.
National Post reporter has total Twitter melt down: National Post technology reporter David George-Cosh let loose on a marketing consultant from Toronto today. Apparently feeling snubbed April Dunford, an experienced marketing professional hadn’t called him back on time for a story he was working on; he took exception to her annoyed Tweet after their phone call
Never Share Your Twitter Password AgainShort and sweet: Awards honor Twitter tweets: The first annual Shorty Awards, held Wednesday, honor 2008's best Twitter tweets
NASA honored for 'tweets' from Mars: NASA said it delivered more than 600 updates during the 152 days the Phoenix was operating in the north polar region of Mars.
By the end of the mission in early November, more than 38,000 people were following its tweets, NASA said.