21 outubro 2012

Apanhados dos media

Jornalismo em tempos de crise, agora é que querem olhar para o negócio, via jornalista-programador.

Manifesto para um novo ecossistema da imprensa digital:
1. Supprimer les aides directes actuelles
2. Renforcer les aides indirectes
3. Inciter à la recherche et au développement
4. Favoriser les investissements
5. Impulser une stratégie numérique européenne
6. Défendre la neutralité des supports
7. Étendre le droit à l'information
8. Renouveler la profession
9. Refonder les droits sociaux
10. Établir la confiance

Le néo-journalisme ou la pratique du métier au XXIe siècle: Le journalisme du XXIe siècle se construit au sein d’un écosystème technologique qui lui donne davantage de moyens pour pratiquer son métier, alors que ces mêmes moyens sont aussi accessibles à quiconque bénéficie d’une connexion. Internet a bouleversé la donne, le constat n’est pas neuf mais il continue à poser question car la révolution n’est pas terminée.

Afinal, em quem confiamos? Os meios de comunicação (em geral), os líderes de opinião e os jornalistas são potenciais “profissões” que podem contribuir para um reforço do índice de confiança geral.

New Devices, Platforms Spur More News Consumption: A PEJ survey of more than 3,000 adults also finds that the reputation or brand of a news organization, a very traditional idea, is the most important factor in determining where consumers go for news, and that is even truer on mobile devices than on laptops or desktops. Indeed, despite the explosion in social media use through the likes of Facebook and Twitter, recommendations from friends are not a major factor yet in steering news consumption.

Ten (at least) Ways That Putting Social Media At The Heart of The Newsroom Improves Public Service Service Journalism: But despite all the new technology, every journalist using social media must stick to very old values: accuracy, fact checking, balanced and impartial reporting and simply picking up the phone to ask: “Is it true?”

Online Advertising Poised to Finally Surpass Print: It looks like this is the year that Internet advertising revenue finally surpasses ad revenue in print media.

Who's Really to Blame for the Death of Newsweek? Attention is fleeing paper publications even faster than advertising is abandoning them.

BBC boss explains how new newsroom will "allow us to do what we do better": the same procedures about accurate reporting that have for decades applied to all types broadcast journalism, still apply to social media.

Twitter, Facebook, and old new media: People do tend to read people and not institutions online but a shift away from that has already started happening. A shift back to institutions, actually. Pre-1990s, people read the Times or Newsweek or Time or whatever. In 2008, people read Andrew Sullivan's Daily Dish or Paul Krugman's column in the Times or Gwyneth Paltrow's GOOP. Today, people read feeds of their friends/followees activities, interests, thoughts, and links on sites like Twitter, Facebook, Pinterest, and Tumblr, i.e. the new media institutions. Now, you may follow Daily Dish or Krugman on Twitter but that's not quite the same as reading the sites