04 setembro 2002

2, 22.02.02
Mandatory music licenses, hard drive tax
U.S. Proposes Online Music Pay
Webcasters Learn Cost of Music
Copyright Arbitration Royalty Panel's Proposed Rates

Patent changes the score for Net music: SightSound Technologies has won an important ruling on a set of patents that could give it substantial reach over the business of selling music and video online.
Record Labels' Answer to Napster Still Has Artists Feeling Bypassed
Napster They're Not
Let's make music Napster-easy

Losing the war on patents: BountyQuest aimed to solve the problem of an out-of-control patent system.
Intellectual-Property Ecology: What tree huggers can teach us about the public domain of ideas.

DMCA Protection at U.S. Border: Customs agents are using the UPS computer system to track packages from origination points

Microsoft's Media Player Tracks You

Indie film looks through Webcams
Webcams: entre journal intime et télé-réalité

Oscar movies you can watch on the Web

PCs Are Incorrect on TV: The baddies use Windows PCs. […]The good guys, of course, use Macs.
How schools are tricked into using PCs - when Macs are better

David Duchovny to return for “X-Files” finale

Guggenheim’s Internet Art Commissions for 2002
The Guggenheim Museum Touches Bottom
Instituciones impulsan la presencia del arte electrónico en la feria Arco

World Press Photo of the Year 2001

Wolfgang Amadeus Copycat

[Ler com pitada de sal, consoante as fontes…]
A Dark Theory Behind Black Tuesday: “I absolutely believe, at this moment, that the United States government had foreknowledge of the attacks and allowed them to occur”.
The So-Called Evidence Is a Farce: The story we hear on the news and read in the newspapers is simply not believable.
To Protect Top Bureaucrats, NY Times scrubs Its Own Osama Bin Laden Warning That It Published on 9-9-01
The Coming Intelligence Failure [1997]

Europol: Islamic Terrorism main threat against the European Union: However it would be dangerous to focus only on Islamic terrorism, as other European terrorist groups still remain active.

[Onde pára o anthrax?] It now looks certain that America's anthrax attacks came from within. The implications are terrifying
American scientist is anthrax suspect
Annihilating Anthrax
Anthrax screensaver finds promising new drugs

September 11 blood donations “wasted”: Only a tiny percentage [...] was used to treat victims.

Bush's Biggest Donors Had Links to Enron
Microsoft's lobbying efforts eclipse Enron
Elephant's 'E' Irks G.O.P.: The Republican Party of Texas does not find the site www.EnronOwnsTheGOP.com as amusing as the Texas Democrats who run it.
Republican Party wants EnronOwnsTheGOP to “Cease and Desist”

Dial-a-dictator: [Tragicomédia: os problemas de um ditador ao telefone], courtesy of Croatian intelligence, who secretly tapped Milosevic's phone between 1995 and 1998

Two PAC missiles fail to hit target in US land-based missile defense test [Os infalíveis mísseis Patriot da Guerra do Golfo continuam a falhar o alvo…]

The War On Waste: More money for the Pentagon, while its own auditors admit the military cannot account for 25 percent of what it spends.
Fighting Terror With Databases: The intelligence-gathering system will combine more than $100 million in new funding, powerful new terrorism laws, an expanded role for local police and state-of-the-art computer networks that will link federal agents with thousands of police departments.

Learning from high-tech deals: Mergers destroy value for the acquiring company at least half of the time, while spinoffs and alliances have produced similar results. […] The motives behind many of these transactions as mere ego boosting.

Money Laundering Is Criminal and Immoral: Not always.

[Compatível, dizem eles]
Pergunta: Vai deixar o jornalismo? Maria Elisa: Não. Não há nenhuma incompatibilidade nem do ponto de vista legal, nem do ponto de vista ético – considero eu e considera nomeadamente o presidente da conselho deontológico do sindicato de jornalistas.
Jornalistas, Política, Dever e Opinião - Oscar Mascarenhas: A norma deontológica deve ser interpretada “como referente ao dever de inexistência de uma relação material com funções, tarefas e benefícios que comprometam o estatuto de independência”.
Compatível, Disse Ela

Presse gratuite ou presse payante? “N'est-ce pas dévaloriser l'information que de la rendre gratuite?” s'interroge Le Monde. “Spécialement les quotidiens nationaux sont des machines à produire de l'information...” s'exclame donc Serge July, le directeur de Libé.
Batalha dos Diários Gratuitos Começou em França com Violência

U.S. Tightening Rules on Keeping Scientific Secrets
Reino Unido Também Quer Controlar Investigação
Guerre ouverte contre le monopole des revues scientifiques
Scientists Recount U.S. Biodefense Labs' Security Lapses
Walking a fine line on Web access: The clampdown on public information is just beginning
When Government Doesn't Tell: This administration has a penchant for secrecy
Justice Department Hiding Secret Weekly Reports to the Attorney General

Pentagon Readies Efforts to Sway Sentiment Abroad: Pentagon is developing plans to provide news items, possibly even false ones, to foreign media organizations
Pentagon Propaganda Plan Is Undemocratic, Possibly Illegal
Creation and Dissemination of All Forms of Information in Support of Psychological Operations (PSYOP) in Time of Military Conflict [May 2000]

Goldman Sachs Group, the ultra-secretive Wall Street firm that usually tries to avoid the media, is now trying to break into it.
Goldman Denies $1B Magazine Rumor

U.S. newsweeklies have huge spike in circulation following Sept. 11

The lads go limp: Men's mags boomed during the Britpop years. But now they're looking tired and predictable - and readers are deserting in droves.
U.K. media study predicts print to lose hold by 2010
Time Inc. is looking into developing new women's magazines.

Cannibalization? Au contraire! French newspapers with web sites beat their print-only peers’ circulation performance

First, the Bad News: Most real news comes from newspapers.

The Media is the Problem: Who profits most from expensive political campaigns? Broadcasters.

Media spat: profit vs. free speech in Canada
CanWest claims first victims
Gazette Newsroom

Trabalhadores do Expresso contestam aumentos salariais [Precisão: o que contestam é não haver aumentos...]

Editors' Note [Personalidades compostas, “fact checking” e “rua!”]

Wall Street Journal Statement on Pearl [comparar com o que sucedeu na morte do jornalista da TVI…]

Technology Timeline [exemplos:]
2010 - highest earning celebrity is synthetic
2040 - Religious environmentalism destroys environment
2075 - Time travel invented
2100 - Immortality chip - people move into cyberspace

Virus Responsible for Gates Security Memo
Security memo to Bill Gates: I thought it might be useful to put together a list of problems that I am aware in Microsoft products. Here's my list:

Web rage” hits internet users: When the internet crashes, 2% said they actually hit the person sitting next to them.

Net snooping laws “too costly”
Court to decide if wiretap laws apply to e-mail
Software Snags Crooks, Sneaking Spouses, but Alarms Privacy Advocates
Spy claims shake ministry: The Australian Government used phone intercepts provided by a spy agency to defend its controversial asylum-seekers policy?

Broadband dream is dead
Mariano Gago
A regulatory remedy for European broadband
How many unbundled lines are there in Europe? Only Germany and Denmark save the continent from total humiliation [Portugal tem zero, pelo que só pode crescer... Clientes de banda larga? 60 mil de acesso por cabo e 2000 DSLs]

Inside Intel's monster chip: Pentium 4 (42 million transistors) v. McKinley (221 million transistors)

Look Who's Making Money Online in 2002
Making cents on the Internet: There is still some interest among investors in a good Internet idea.

Study says not all hackers are real computer wizards
Hacker break-in forces firm to issue results early: Buhrmann acknowledged a flaw in its Internet security after a hacker broke into its Web site and forced it to publish a 51 percent fall in profits a day early.
Most Federal Agencies Unable To Spot Cyber-Attacks

Why Big Is Better for Vodafone: Britain's wireless giant has the cash - and the cache - to sink its rivals.
Who'll Survive the Cellular Crisis?

Blah, Blah, Blah and Blog: Some have put the total number of weblogs at more than 500,000.

Microsoft’s new ‘compiler’ program has security flaw
Was Cigital security warning too hasty? Some security experts criticized the quick public announcement as irresponsible.

Free Radio Linux, a new project by r a d i o q u a l i a, is the first net.radio distribution of the operating system Linux.

Here, Kitty, Kitty! If the first cloned house pet can melt your heart, how will you react to the first cloned child? [Resposta? Ver filme “Gattaca”, Andrew Niccol, 1997]

Men Overestimate Women's Sexual Interest: Sorry guys, sometimes a smile is just a smile

Researchers can now order rats over the Web

“Magic number” for space pioneers calculated [são preciso 160 mas com 80 já se cria civilização…]

Pope performed third exorcism of his papacy
Ashcroft Invokes Religion In U.S. War on Terrorism

200220022002: A rare time indeed

Só Informação Não Basta [Questões de Clifford Stoll em “Silicon Snake Oil” (1995) chegam a Portugal...]

Social Network Analysis: How do knowledge workers learn? How do they decide what to learn next? What motivates them to share?

Unwitting Cell Calls Swamp 911 Systems
Cell Phones Mistakenly Calling 911
False 911 Calls Keeping Dispatchers Busy

Caterpillar estreia anúncios no WC [lá se vai o sossego...]

. DE !
The World's Longest Ear Hair
Hanks of hair? Local man accused of thefts from wig charity: “You think you've seen everything, and something else tops it.”

Police Looking For Supermarket Rage Suspect: The victim had 13 items in the 12-item or less checkout line.

Relações homem-animal-máquina
Going through the e-motions
Say Hello To Asimo [robô que desce escadas]

British troops “invade” Spain [a sério!]

Conférence (à partir de 2 heures du matin au cimetière de la Madeleine...)

The conceptual art of name changing

Surprise Settlement Evenly Splits Microsoft; One Firm to Make Software, Other to Make Patches

ZITE ZA ZEMANA (1 de 1 a 3 Zs):
Fawlty Towers: This is a tribute to the classic 1970s BBC comedy series set in the fictional Fawlty Towers hotel in Torquay on the English Riviera.