Culturas, economia e política, tecnologia e impactos sociais, media, contaminantes sociais, coisas estranhas... Cultures, economy and politics, technology and social impacts, media, social contamination, weird stuff...
09 setembro 2002
Digital Divide [Hollywood & Silicon Valley em contexto histórico]
Labels loosening up on CD copy locks: Fearful of consumer backlash, major record labels in the United States have slowed controversial plans for making CDs more difficult to copy, even as tension over online music piracy mounts.
Planet's PDA enables CD shoppers to browse music… or listen to the contents of music CDs simply by having the PDA sensor recognize the bar code attached to CD's plastic cover.
Peter Gabriel video makes Internet debut: Singer released a video online Friday to promote his first studio album in 10 years.
Scammed by Small-Time Crook, Simon & Schuster Sues: Simon & Schuster recently learned that it had been scammed out of a hefty advance by a small-time crook who claimed to be the illegitimate grandson of wiseguy Carlo Gambino
D.FILM Movie Maker 2.0
9.11: What Has Changed: The Economy. Homeland Security. The View from Abroad.
One Year After
The Height of Ambition + Thinking Big
From Photos to Relics, Remembering the Unforgettable
Documenting the Tragedy
Forbidden thoughts about 9/11: A spectrum of improper responses to the terror attacks.
Sept. 11: US Nice Guy says 'enough': There is a theory in the Arab world, frequently aired on the TV discussion shows of Qatar's Al-Jazeera news channel, that the real impact of the terrorist attacks of Sept. 11 was less the 3,000 dead than the devastation wreaked on the American and broader Western economy.
In this grisly arithmetic of terror, the $7 trillion knocked off the value of American stocks, the body blows to the airline industry, the rise in the oil price and the global slowdown, targeted with gruesome precision the true vulnerability of American power. Osama bin Laden was not just the mastermind of the most devastating single terrorist strike in history; he was also the ultimate financial criminal, the Wall Street ghoul of all time.
This theory has its flaws.
The Informant Who Lived With the Hijackers: One of the FBI’s informants had a close relationship with two of the hijackers
Netizens: Sept. 11 justifies Web blitz: Americans don't necessarily care if the government removes public information from the Net in the name of national security.
Businesses Draw Line On Security: While the Bush administration has waged its campaign to strengthen homeland security since the Sept. 11 terrorist attacks, many of the nation's largest and most influential businesses have quietly but persistently resisted new rules that would require them to make long-term security improvements.
Hate Literature Blitz Planned By Neo-Nazi Groups To Coincide With Jewish Holidays And 9/11
Criminal Enforcement Against Terrorists
A Real War on Terrorism: Wars on terrorism have very little in common with regular wars. The initial, sheerly military phase - which the Bush administration had handled capably - was just the beginning. Now, a year after 9/11, pretty much everyone realizes that we'd better have a very good, very long-run strategy.
I don't think we do. I think the Bush administration's long-run plan, to the extent that one can be discerned, is at best inadequate and at worst disastrous. So, what's my long-run plan?
Special Report on Iraq: No one, in either London or Washington, is understood to have incontrovertible proof that Saddam is developing nuclear, biological or chemical weapons. The evidence simply proves that he has the means and the inclination.
In war, some facts less factual: Some US assertions from the last war on Iraq still appear dubious.
Plans For Iraq Attack Began On 9/11… barely five hours after American Airlines Flight 77 plowed into the Pentagon
Satellite photos show Iraq has rebuilt on bombed weapons sites: What new facilities are used for is “the great unknown”
Ex-arms inspector defends Iraq: A former senior UN weapons inspector in Iraq, Scott Ritter, has told the Baghdad parliament that Iraq is not a threat to the outside world and that military action against the country would not be justifiable ["told the Baghdad parliament"!?!?!?]
Scientists join war on terror: Now the great minds are being called, once again, to battle. Deeply aware that new scientific ideas - from radar to the atomic bomb - gave America a crucial edge in World War II, scientists at the Los Alamos National Laboratory and across the country are working on weapons for the war against terrorism. And for those who have thought deepest about the march of technology, the mission is as urgent as the Manhattan Project.
Steven Hatfill's Rights Infringed by “New Gestapo”; Media Unmoved: Hatfill is getting the Richard Jewell treatment, only worse. Jewell was the security guard at the 1996 Atlanta Olympics who spotted the knapsack bomb and moved people away before it exploded. Lacking a suspect, the FBI theorized that Jewell planted the bomb himself in order to become a hero.
The FBI had no evidence whatsoever against Jewell, but neither ethics, professional integrity nor the lack of evidence prevented a steady stream of leaks to an obedient media insinuating that Jewell was the bomber.
[…] As in the Jewell case, the FBI has substituted a theory for evidence. The theory is that Hatfill, a patriotic American serving his country, sent the anthrax letters to demonstrate America's lack of preparedness against terrorists.
MoD rejects fears over defence sell-off… to a US-based company that has several former international leaders on its payroll. George Bush senior, his former secretary of state James Baker, the former prime minister John Major and many other figures from international big business and politics are employed by Carlyle Group, a US-based private equity and defence group. The government has dismissed union fears that the British national interest may be compromised by the influence of diverse overseas lobbyists linked to the company.
Qinetiq's new battle: Qinetiq - currently owned by the Ministry of Defence - is on course for privatisation, wooing venture capitalists with a view to a stock market listing. But can secretive government scientists hope to thrive in the private sector? [30 April, 2002]
America’s 40 Richest Under 40: Easy Come, Easy Go: [T]heir combined wealth has been chopped by more than half since 2000, when it peaked at a mighty $73.7 billion.
What If We'd Already Privatized Social Security?
Project on Social Security Privatization
Social Security trust fund is misleading
WTO Stands For "Worship The Oligarchy"What is the World Trade Organization? Quite clearly it's a cover for transnational companies to open up new markets in underdeveloped countries hiding under the guise of once-fashionable late-20th century economics dogma. Multinationals are a lot like vampires: they know that they can destroy any developing nation's industry and take it over for their own profit, if only they can get invited in the house. The question is how to convince the local population that it's in their interests. Bribing the dictators or the parliaments to pass laws allowing them to take over isn't enough -you need a dogma to make people BELIEVE that when they lose their jobs, it's for their own good, or at least, it's no one's fault but the natural laws of history. That, it seems, is what the WTO's job is.
RDV place Bill-Gates, Paris VIIIe: Un “commando” a rebaptisé douze lieux pour protester contre le grand capital.
Birth of a media: TV too often condemned rather than celebrated
The 75th anniversary of Farnsworth's invention is worth celebrating because the medium of television has such remarkable communicative powers and such distinctive artistic qualities that a world without it is almost unimaginable today.
Placement, People! Television's 30-second spot is lurching toward extinction. For the show to go on, the ads will go in.
As 2003 Nears, Where Is Online Newspaper Biz? It's less than four months from 2003: Do you know where your online newspaper industry is? Guarantees Effectiveness of Ads... after 60 days of advertising or their money back
The Post-9/11 Rise of Do-It-Yourself Journalism: [A new study found that] growing numbers of Americans seem to want to use the Internet to supplement the information they get from traditional media. The study cautions, though, that because these "do-it-yourself" accounts were written by amateurs, most of them did not follow the hallmarks of good journalism such as fact-checking and impartiality, and as a result "read more like rumors."
The Information Squeeze: Openness in government is under assault throughout the United States - at every level. Can the news media, reluctant combatants thus far, mount a successful counterattack?
Views of Sept. 11, Through The Web's Sharpest Eyes
Reliving the terror: Last September's devastation may be consecrated as an annual TV event. "Like the Super Bowl, [...] it's going to become a media-declared holiday. It's setting itself up as a memorial day we're going to experience on television. Remember when we were kids, and had to watch the State of the Union address or turn off the television? Occasionally, TV forced a common message on all its citizenry then, because there weren't any other choices".
Is NewsMax Corrupt? Using the standards NewsMax itself applies to the New York Times, absolutely.
Just Do It. Again. Dan Wieden created Nike's famous slogan, and he's been pushing the limits ever since. Now he's blending advertising and entertainment into a new art form - "branded content."
Naming rights deal valued at $30-million: The St. Petersburg Times will pay $2.1-million annually, plus other concessions, for the right to put its name on the old Ice Palace arena.
POSI aposta em Portugal
[Como? Entre outras para] Fazer da criação de plataformas de excelência e competitividade no interior e nas áreas mais desfavorecidas uma verdadeira oposta de correcção das assimetrias de desenvolvimento (neste aspecto, a dinamização da cooperação regional transfronteiriça com a Galiza, Castela e Leão e outras regiões espanholas é um verdadeiro desígnio que se terá que assumir de forma estratégica)
Sociedade da Informação: Governo tem de fazer esforço transversal: A tutela da Sociedade da Informação pela Presidência do Conselho de Ministros, anteriormente na dependência do ex-Ministério da Ciência e da Tecnologia, visa garantir um esforço transversal do governo nesta matéria, afirmou hoje Morais Sarmento
Subidas Telefonicas: La Sociedad de la Informacio se va a Pique: El ministro de Ciencia y Tecnología Josep Piqué, anunció ante los empresarios del sector una próxima revisión del sistema de precios máximos de Telefónica e incentivos fiscales para reactivar el sector de las telecomunicaciones.
The United States Government Manual
IDC Cuts 2002 PC Sales Outlook, Sees Slow Holidays: [T]he key year-end holiday sales period would prove disappointing.
Sony, Philips Working on New Ways to Network… that will allow wireless transfer of data between all your devices.
Wearable computers to go mainstream… over the next couple of years
Nokia 3650 (Availability: Early 2003)
Cell Phone Records Playing Key Role in Criminal Cases: Now detectives are relying on a new tool: cell phones. Because more than 40% of Americans own mobile phones, law enforcement personnel see them as a powerful resource in investigations and trials. Detectives say phone records, from both suspects and victims, can provide key evidence in murder, robbery, drug and rape cases.
Computer forensics specialists in demand as hacking grows
Radio ID locks lost laptops: The researchers' Zero-Interaction Authentication system combines two well-known security techniques: a hardware token that authorizes the person holding it to use a particular computer, and encryption software that locks and unlocks files on a computer. The user wears the token in the form of a watch or piece of jewelry.
An Alternative to Microsoft Gains Support in High Places: More than two dozen countries in Asia, Europe and Latin America, including China and Germany, are now encouraging their government agencies to use "open source" software.
Apple: Windows Media Player shows anti-standards behavior
Microsoft courts Hollywood with Windows Media 9
Switch to Mac OS X From Microsoft Windows (A guide to key user experience [interface] differences)
Slide show TV: [Planetweb] hit the pavement with software that could turn a DVD player into a viewer for still digital-camera images. The combination sounds crazy, but in June, Samsung began marketing a DVD player that uses Planetweb's software to display the images. The device enables users of Sony digital cameras to remove the camera's memory stick, a chewing gum-size memory chip module, and put it into the DVD player to display the images instantly on a TV. Consumers can view slide shows and edit or print the pictures. Now that basic, no-frills DVD players sell for as low as $60, manufacturers are pleased to be able to add new functions and, thus, charge higher prices for their products.
The Impact of Internet Subsidies in Public Schools
How Some Universities Encourage the Creation of Prime Research Web Sites
10 choices that were critical to the Net's success
Spoof site no joke for eBay: A parody Web site called "eGray," which takes aim at California gubernatorial incumbent Gray Davis, has drawn the attention of auction giant eBay - and its lawyers.
Panel Urges Hour of Exercise a Day: Americans need to exercise more - at least an hour a day, twice as much as previously recommended. [T]o meet daily needs for energy and nutrients while minimizing the risk of developing chronic ills like heart disease and diabetes, adults should get 45 percent to 65 percent of their daily calories from carbohydrates. It recommended a maximum of 25 percent of calories from added sugars, 20 percent to 35 percent of calories from fats, and 10 percent to 35 percent of calories from protein. In addition, the panel recommended that adult men 50 and under consume 38 grams of fiber a day and adult women 21 grams a day.
Study Finds Over 40 Drug Errors Daily at Hospitals
Doctor in the mouse: "The Internet is the greatest collection of misinformation about health the world has ever known."
Genomes & Machines: Reviews, databases and general resources on genomics and bioinformatics systems.
First commercial Moon landing gets go-ahead: Small step for commercialization of Moon surface.
A president's insecurity detail: Republican gubernatorial candidate Mitt Romney, speaking before business leaders, recalling the Olympic opening ceremony last winter: ''[T]he president of the United States, as he goes out to an audience like that, with three and a half billion people looking at him, he turned to me and he said, 'Do I look fat?'"
Leonard Nimoy sings about Bilbo Baggins
Almost Organic: MIT Develops Life-Like Robotic Creature of the Deep
Pick a Murderer, Any Murderer: In theory, Florida prosecutors believe convicted child molester Ricky Chavis and two baby-faced brothers are both innocent and guilty of the same murder.
A Smart Weapon for the Links: The G.P.S.-Enabled Golf Cart: The crucial component in ProLink's golf course management system is a computer and a 10-inch color display mounted on the roof of a golf cart. The display offers a detailed graphic overview of every hole. When a golfer drives up to the ball, the computer can provide the exact yardage remaining to the hole and dispense strategic advice from the club pro on how to play the shot. The player can call up different hole views, including an aerial shot, and keep an eye on his or her score and pace of play, using ProLink as a kind of personalized closed-circuit broadcast.
Worth giving tourism the big banana
Here are all the BIG things!!!
Big Banana
Big Pineapple
Big Prawn
Big Bull
Learn Logic with Beavis and Butthead!
Treasures in Turning the Pages
Secret Satellite Photos To Be Unveiled: The intention to release the intelligence imagery has taken several outsiders by surprise.
All About Glaciers
Groovin’ Granny
Internet Killed the Video Star
Ape Logic
Facteur Cheval's Palais Ideal