European Military Source: Sniper Attacks Look Like Gov't Special Ops: According to military source with experience in Vietnam, the recent sniper killings in the Washington area look like the work of a military "special operation" involving no less than two or three profesional snipers.
Type Special Forces Sniper Death Card into Google [teorias da conspiração...]
Media feeding the fear: It is the latest parlor game in America: Name that Serial Killer. Is he a former police officer or military sharpshooter? Is he sending a message by killing only on weekdays? What does the Tarot card mean?
Fox Re-evaluating Sniper Film's Release: Executives at 20th Century Fox were huddled today to decide what to do about "Phone Booth," a thriller about a man terrorized by a sniper, whose plot is a little too close to the killing spree in suburban Maryland and Virginia.