27 maio 2003

The big blackout: Surprise, surprise: The TV networks that will benefit from the new FCC rules on media ownership have been keeping their viewers in the dark about the changes.
On June 2, the Federal Communications Commission will make a decision that will probably radically change how Americans receive their news. But if, like most people, you rely on television as your primary information source, chances are you haven't heard a word about it.
At stake are the current rules on how many different properties a media conglomerate can own.
The Great Media Gulp: The future formation of American public opinion has fallen into the lap of an ambitious 36-year-old lawyer whose name you never heard. On June 2, after deliberations conducted behind closed doors, he will decide the fate of media large and small, print and broadcast. No other decision made in Washington will more directly affect how you will be informed, persuaded and entertained. [...]
The F.C.C. proposal remains officially secret to avoid public comment but was forced into the open by the two commission Democrats.
Last stop before the media monopoly: FCC chairman Michael Powell is likely to get media ownership deregulated - even though public comment is running 97 percent against it.
Captive Audience: A few big media firms dominate 4 of 5 FCC commissioners’ hometowns
Well Connected : The Databases: Curious about who owns [...] local media, telephone and cable company?
FCC Receives Trips From Lobbyists: Federal Communications Commission officials have taken more than 2,500 trips in the last eight years, most of them paid for by the telecommunications and broadcasting industries the agency regulates, a watchdog group said.
The Center for Public Integrity report, based on records from the federal Office of Government Ethics, details trips worth more than $250 taken by agency commissioners and staff between May 1995 and February 2003. The total cost of the trips was $2.8 million.
Murdoch disclaimer provokes mirth at US senate: Veteran media mogul and legendary deal-maker Rupert Murdoch prompted laughter from senators in Washington yesterday when he said that he did not plan to take advantage of the upcoming relaxation in America media ownership laws.
[act.:] Well Connected : The Databases: basic information on every radio and television station in America as well as every cable television system and telephone company
[ Não é só em Portugal que este tipo de questões é debatido em segredo para favorecer as empresas instaladas em desfavor dos cidadãos. Tal como os senadores em Washington, só dá vontade de rir...]