Manhattan Mob Meets Its Maker: The mother of all flash mobs officially came to an end on Wednesday night, in an inexplicable grand finale that amazed and confused both participants and mob organizers. [...]
events are now happening around the world.
"The response has been sort of disappointing," said Bill. "After all, they never did do a mob in Antarctica."
"Seriously, I continue to be blown away by how far and fast the mobs have spread," Bill added. "I've never agreed with those who see the mobs as a 'movement,' but it's clear that for groups of people in individual cities around the world, the mob idea has been a great basis on which to create their own social art."
A summer's worth of organizing mobs has taught Bill some things about creating an unplanned planned event, and he's happy to share his tips with other mobsters.
"Most of the things I've learned I'm sure they've already figured out for themselves. Keep the ideas short and funny. Be meticulous in your planning, and in your instructions. Keep the organizers in the background.
"Really, the idea is so simple that it's hard to mess up. What's really been cool is seeing the ways that organizers in different cities have interpreted the idea differently."