27 novembro 2003


The Next Litigation Battleground: Blogosphere
And while discourse in the Blogosphere has been largely civil, sometimes incivility spills out and makes itself manifest [ler, por exemplo, estas opiniões...]. And now, the sometimes rough discourse has the potential to become the next hotbed of litigation. [...]
We are in virgin territory when discussing the legal implications of blogging. The novelty of the phenomenon and the relative lack of definition from the courts means that much is still uncertain. The best thing that bloggers can do is to be careful about the legal implications of their activity until there is more guidance on how the law treats blogging. In the meantime, bloggers can work to attract public attention to this issue, and push the debate on how best to structure policy surrounding the intersection between the Blogosphere and the law. Given the nature of the Blogosphere to provide attention to and educate the public on issues that escape Big Media notice, but have a very real and profound impact on public policy, one would expect nothing less.