04 março 2004


Boost for Personal Journalism in New Gadget Blog:
Pete Rojas' departure from Gizmodo to his new gadget blog, Engadget is noteworthy on several accounts.
First, it means more news in a timely way for people who care about gadgets. I'll keep an eye on both blogs, among other sites I watch in this genre.
Second, and more important, it represents a maturation of the blog business sphere. Engadget is part of Jason McCabe Calacanis' small but growing line of blogs in which the authors have a more serious financial stake than in Nick Denton's collection. Competing business models almost always lead to better products.
Third, it's another sign that being a well-known blogger is a good career move. Recall that Elizabeth Spiers, the first writer of Gawker, another Denton blog, was hired away by New York magazine. Even if Rojas' new venture doesn't work out, he's now recognized as a serious player in his field.
Grassroots journalism gets more and more interesting, from many perspectives.
Blogging Off: Your blog's great—nice dirt on Graydon Carter!—but can it buy me a beer?