29 março 2004


Excerto da entrevista a Howard Rheingold referida no post anterior:
Q: Blogs have given voice to once-marginal, sometimes extreme views. Is there any danger moderate voices might get drowned out?
A: You got a million or 10 million bloggers out there. A bunch of them are nutcases. A lot of them are at the extreme ends. Many of them are totally uninformed. Some of them are going to be decent journalists. Some of them are going to be better than the pros.
I think there's a Darwinian process when you have a large number of people doing it. If 10 million people are publishing their own opinions instead of sitting slack-jawed in front of the tube, that's got to be healthier for the public sphere. The mass media have disempowered people from the process and made them feel disempowered.
Q: What could make blogging more useful to the masses?
A: What's lacking is grounding in good journalism. It's a learned skill that requires some tutelage by people who understand it. I wish that the people in the news business, instead of fearing the bloggers, would help educate them. [...]