CCTV goes wi-fi to fight crime: In the UK there is one CCTV camera for every 14 people. If you are in London, you could be caught on camera up to 300 times a day.
But the cameras are expensive, and once you have installed one, and laid all the wires back to base, it is fixed and cannot move.
This means if a crime hotspot moves round the corner, you cannot see it.
Westminster City Council in London have come up with a solution - CCTV cameras without wires, which broadcast their pictures back to base using the council's new wireless network. [Obrigado, Carlos]
ACABAR COM A VIDEOVIGILÂNCIA AVULSA: Aproveitei o debate de uma proposta de lei sobre videovigilância para alertar o Parlamento para alguns dos reptos que o status quo acarreta. Tudo ocorreu à hora mais discreta de um dia tranquilo, mas o aviso ficou feito e exige medidas concretas.