28 fevereiro 2005


Memo to Jon Friedman: we don?t trust you either: Jon Friedman, Media Editor with CBS Marketwatch, has fired another salvo in the war on blogging with an article stating that bloggers frighten him and that ?I haven?t reached the point where I can completely trust them to be accurate or comprehensive or analytical or, especially, fair. Sometimes, I?m not even sure if they worry about such conventions of journalism".
Memo to Jon Friedman: many bloggers have reached the point where we cannot trust old media/ mainstream media to be accurate or comprehensive or analytical, and most off all: fair. [...]
Friedman, guilty of the perverse generalisations that are regular features of attacks on the blogosphere, writes of all bloggers as a collective whilst occasionally trying to mask his apparent dislike of blogging with notes that some bloggers have gained credibility and an audience. Like most of his CBS brethren, he pines over Dan Rather by claiming that Rathergate made the blogosphere, and gives credit to CNN for starting a decentralisation of news, of which blogging is apparently a result of.