Mobile phones as blog tools: A new technology expected to launch in April promises to turn cellular phones into mobile blogging tools.
The application, called "Rabble," streamlines the now-cumbersome process for publishing text or images from a cell phone to a Weblog. It also creates a way to search mobile blogs for items of interest -- from homes for sale in a particular neighborhood to updated tour information for a favorite band.
It's Not Just a Phone, It's an Adventure: In recent years cellphone makers have tended to view their products, which millions of people press to their faces every day, less as phones and more as platforms for services and features.
Practically every new iteration of cellphone promises more: digital music, streaming video, 3-D video games, location-based navigation and full Internet browsing, not to mention a camera. With more features often come more buttons, complications and costs, and thicker operating manuals.
Some people call it feature creep.