Do-It-Yourself Journalism Spreads: The explosion of the Internet over the past decade has allowed anyone with an Internet connection to instantaneously publish whatever he or she wants, fueling the growth of "citizen reporters." Over the past year or so, media companies have been backing citizen journalism efforts like Your Mom in various shapes and sizes across the country. They are creating what some believe to be a more democratic press, but throwing into question what it means to be a journalist and adding a new dimension to debates over fairness, libel, protection of confidential sources and trust in the media.
Armés de vidéo-phones, les citoyens sont des reporters TV: tard dans la nuit de mercredi, Hong, un reporter d?un des quotidiens les plus lus en Corée du Sud, The Chosun Ilbo, à fait la une des médias pour avoir agressé un chauffeur de taxi et plusieurs employés d?un hôtel.
Cet incident serait resté anonyme sans la présence d?esprit du chauffeur de taxi nommé Ahn, qui a filmé toute la scène avec son téléphone mobile, puis l?a téléchargée sur Internet.
Les trois chaînes nationales KBS, MBC et SBS saisissant l?affaire, ont alors diffusé des extraits vidéo à l?antenne dans le cadre de leur journal télévisé, provoquant un tollé d?indignation
Why I have serious doubts about the 'citizen reporters': I find it astonishing - not to say macabre - that virtually the first thing a lay person would do after escaping injury in an explosion in which dozens of other human beings are killed or maimed is to film or photograph the scene and then relay it to a broadcasting organisation. [...]
And how long will it be, I wonder, before the mobile networks start using 7/7 as yet another argument for upgrading to a 3G cameraphone?
Did London bombings turn citizen journalists into citizen paparazzi?: Cameraphones and videophones on the scene were important tools in giving the world the first look at the horrific London bombings. But what about people with cameraphones who vied for the most gruesome shots of victims?