Culturas, economia e política, tecnologia e impactos sociais, media, contaminantes sociais, coisas estranhas... Cultures, economy and politics, technology and social impacts, media, social contamination, weird stuff...
30 setembro 2005
Leitura para o fim de semana: Infidelidade virtual: um mito ou realidade com efeitos jurídicos: é difícil a prova da existência de um relacionamento virtual; mas, sendo difícil, não é impossível, existindo meios que o cônjuge, legitimamente, pode utilizar para provar o adultério virtual do consorte.
Porque é que num país tão virado para a inovação, não se organizam este tipo de WorkShop - Images & Mobilité - Video, Movies, TV... new formats, new usages, new models (reparem nos patrocínios...)
Depois não digam que não foram avisados:

Este é o país que vamos ter: É este o enquadramento da nossa dinâmica populacional. A baixa do índice sintético de fecundidade (que estima 2,1 crianças por mulher como limiar de substituição das gerações), associada ao aumento da esperança de vida da população (hoje, mais 14 anos do que em 1960 para os homens e mais 15 anos para as mulheres), especialmente o aumento da esperança de vida da população mais idosa, coloca ao país um conjunto de desafios não negligenciáveis. (via Marktest)
Este é o país que vamos ter: É este o enquadramento da nossa dinâmica populacional. A baixa do índice sintético de fecundidade (que estima 2,1 crianças por mulher como limiar de substituição das gerações), associada ao aumento da esperança de vida da população (hoje, mais 14 anos do que em 1960 para os homens e mais 15 anos para as mulheres), especialmente o aumento da esperança de vida da população mais idosa, coloca ao país um conjunto de desafios não negligenciáveis. (via Marktest)
E pronto: Times Reporter Free From Jail; She Will Testify: Judith Miller, the reporter for The New York Times who has been jailed since July 6 for refusing to testify in the C.I.A. leak case, was released Thursday from a Virginia detention center after she and her lawyers reached an agreement with a federal prosecutor in which she would testify before a grand jury investigating the case, the publisher and the executive editor of the paper said. [...]
Her decision to testify was made after she had obtained what she described as a waiver offered "voluntarily and personally" by a source who said she was no longer bound by any pledge of confidentiality she had made to him. Ms. Miller said the source had made clear that he genuinely wanted her to testify.
Her decision to testify was made after she had obtained what she described as a waiver offered "voluntarily and personally" by a source who said she was no longer bound by any pledge of confidentiality she had made to him. Ms. Miller said the source had made clear that he genuinely wanted her to testify.
29 setembro 2005
Conselho de Ministros aprova sistema de videovigilância rodoviária: O Conselho de Ministros aprovou hoje o decreto que permite a instalação de sistemas de videovigilância rodoviária, com o objectivo de reforçar a prevenção de acidentes e a garantia de segurança nas estradas portuguesas.
E nem uma única alma questiona que, perante esta lei, somos todos vigiados e culpados até prova em contrário. Em democracia, não é precisamente o contrário?
Que imagens não admissíveis em tribunal (podem ser forjadas...) sirvam de prova para multar.
Que não se saiba quem controla a recolha dessas imagens (lembram-se das imagens com namorados registadas nos espaços dos multibancos que circularam pela Internet?)
Que não se investigue quem vai ganhar com este negócio. Serão as seguradoras? Será a polícia?
Que não se lembre que estudos anteriores (Reino Unido, Austrália e Canadá) demonstraram que a introdução de videocâmaras no controlo do tráfego não teve impacto discernível na diminuição da velocidade dos veículos ou no número das mortes (ver "Safe Roads, Safe Communities") ou pode mesmo contribuir para mais acidentes.
Que não se recordem os variados erros que esta técnica proporciona. Por exemplo, quando A motorist uses science to prove a speed camera issued him a bogus ticket for going 51MPH when he was driving only 13MPH.
Sabem quando é que os jornalistas se vão preocupar com o assunto? Quando ocorrer este tipo de casos:
Testimony Heard Regarding Edmonton Police Attempt to Arrest Journalist
New details emerged Tuesday in a Royal Canadian Mounted Police inquiry into an Edmonton Police Service attempt to arrest a newspaper columnist over articles that criticized the police. On November 18, 2004, several officers were involved in a stake-out of the Overtime Bar in a failed attempt to arrest Edmonton Sun writer Kerry Diotte and police oversight commission chairman Martin Ignasiak.
Yesterday's disciplinary hearing focused on the head of the traffic section, Sergeant Bill Newton, who is charged with abusing his authority. According to testimony heard yesterday, Newton had been angered by an April 4, 2004 column in which Diotte criticized the city's photo radar program. The column became a hot topic of discussion throughout the police force.
Diotte cited statistics that showed speed cameras raised a lot of money for police but led to an increase, not a decrease, in accidents. "In 2001 alone, city police issued 194,500 speeding tickets," Diotte wrote.
"Photo radar and red-light cameras raise about $14 million annually for police. Yet last year fatal collisions jumped to 32 from 20 in 2002."
Infelizmente, leram aqui em primeira mão ;(
E nem uma única alma questiona que, perante esta lei, somos todos vigiados e culpados até prova em contrário. Em democracia, não é precisamente o contrário?
Que imagens não admissíveis em tribunal (podem ser forjadas...) sirvam de prova para multar.
Que não se saiba quem controla a recolha dessas imagens (lembram-se das imagens com namorados registadas nos espaços dos multibancos que circularam pela Internet?)
Que não se investigue quem vai ganhar com este negócio. Serão as seguradoras? Será a polícia?
Que não se lembre que estudos anteriores (Reino Unido, Austrália e Canadá) demonstraram que a introdução de videocâmaras no controlo do tráfego não teve impacto discernível na diminuição da velocidade dos veículos ou no número das mortes (ver "Safe Roads, Safe Communities") ou pode mesmo contribuir para mais acidentes.
Que não se recordem os variados erros que esta técnica proporciona. Por exemplo, quando A motorist uses science to prove a speed camera issued him a bogus ticket for going 51MPH when he was driving only 13MPH.
Sabem quando é que os jornalistas se vão preocupar com o assunto? Quando ocorrer este tipo de casos:
Testimony Heard Regarding Edmonton Police Attempt to Arrest Journalist
New details emerged Tuesday in a Royal Canadian Mounted Police inquiry into an Edmonton Police Service attempt to arrest a newspaper columnist over articles that criticized the police. On November 18, 2004, several officers were involved in a stake-out of the Overtime Bar in a failed attempt to arrest Edmonton Sun writer Kerry Diotte and police oversight commission chairman Martin Ignasiak.
Yesterday's disciplinary hearing focused on the head of the traffic section, Sergeant Bill Newton, who is charged with abusing his authority. According to testimony heard yesterday, Newton had been angered by an April 4, 2004 column in which Diotte criticized the city's photo radar program. The column became a hot topic of discussion throughout the police force.
Diotte cited statistics that showed speed cameras raised a lot of money for police but led to an increase, not a decrease, in accidents. "In 2001 alone, city police issued 194,500 speeding tickets," Diotte wrote.
"Photo radar and red-light cameras raise about $14 million annually for police. Yet last year fatal collisions jumped to 32 from 20 in 2002."
Infelizmente, leram aqui em primeira mão ;(
Ainda a propósito do azul que invadiu os diários de ontem (parece que o Diário Económico resistiu, alguém confirma?): Product placement pushes into print: Revenue from product placements in magazine editorial copy - the stories and photographs - is expected to rise 17.5 percent to $160.9 million this year, and in newspapers by 16.9 percent to $65 million, says a report from PQ Media in Stamford, Conn., released in July.
The study measured all placements of products, whether paid for, exchanged in a barter arrangement, or included without compensation to the publication. It also counted such things as product reviews and photos of products provided by companies without charge.
Product placements, if done in exchange for payment, would violate the operating guidelines of most publications, which usually insist on a clear division between stories or "editorial copy" and advertising as a mark of responsible journalism.
An executive summary of the PQ Media report, titled "Product Placement Spending in Media 2005," did not specify any specific instances where products had been placed in a particular newspaper or magazine in return for payment.
The study measured all placements of products, whether paid for, exchanged in a barter arrangement, or included without compensation to the publication. It also counted such things as product reviews and photos of products provided by companies without charge.
Product placements, if done in exchange for payment, would violate the operating guidelines of most publications, which usually insist on a clear division between stories or "editorial copy" and advertising as a mark of responsible journalism.
An executive summary of the PQ Media report, titled "Product Placement Spending in Media 2005," did not specify any specific instances where products had been placed in a particular newspaper or magazine in return for payment.
Media Capital vai ser ponte para o Brasil e não só: Prisa eyeing Portugal as 'stepping stone' to Brazil, Mozambique: Cebrian said: 'We would like to use Portugal as a stepping-stone to countries where Spain has not traditionally had a presence,' citing Brazil and Mozambique as possible expansion opportunities.
What is Web 2.0? a ?collection of technologies - be it VoIP, Digital Media, XML, RSS, Google Maps? whatever ?. that leverage the power of always on, high speed connections and treat broadband as a platform, and not just a pipe to connect.?
Societies worse off 'when they have God on their side': Religious belief can cause damage to a society, contributing towards high murder rates, abortion, sexual promiscuity and suicide, according to research published today.
According to the study, belief in and worship of God are not only unnecessary for a healthy society but may actually contribute to social problems.
The study counters the view of believers that religion is necessary to provide the moral and ethical foundations of a healthy society.
[Do estudo:] Despite a significant decline from a recent peak in the 1980s (Rosenfeld), the U.S. is the only prosperous democracy that retains high homicide rates, making it a strong outlier in this regard (Beeghley; Doyle, 2000). Similarly, theistic Portugal also has rates of homicides well above the secular developing democracy norm.
According to the study, belief in and worship of God are not only unnecessary for a healthy society but may actually contribute to social problems.
The study counters the view of believers that religion is necessary to provide the moral and ethical foundations of a healthy society.
[Do estudo:] Despite a significant decline from a recent peak in the 1980s (Rosenfeld), the U.S. is the only prosperous democracy that retains high homicide rates, making it a strong outlier in this regard (Beeghley; Doyle, 2000). Similarly, theistic Portugal also has rates of homicides well above the secular developing democracy norm.
28 setembro 2005
SJ apela à reflexão sobre limites da publicidade: O Sindicato dos Jornalistas (SJ) considera que a campanha publicitária que tingiu de azul algumas páginas das edições de 28 de Setembro dos jornais diários, ao servir de suporte gráfico à informação jornalística, "põe em causa, de forma ínvia, o princípio da clara separação entre publicidade e informação".
Publicidade ou jornalismo? Jornalismo
Pergunta: Então as edições online?
Resposta: Advertisers log-on to internet campaigns: Online advertising revenues in America increased by 26 per cent in the second quarter of 2005, compared with the same period last year
Publicidade ou jornalismo? Jornalismo
Pergunta: Então as edições online?
Resposta: Advertisers log-on to internet campaigns: Online advertising revenues in America increased by 26 per cent in the second quarter of 2005, compared with the same period last year
Nove horas de consumo diário de medias?!?!
We swim in an ocean of media (ver também CONSUMO DOS MEDIA ACIMA DE QUALQUER OUTRO)
We swim in an ocean of media (ver também CONSUMO DOS MEDIA ACIMA DE QUALQUER OUTRO)
Interesting High-speed (super slow motion) Video Clips: The super slow-motion playback lets you visualize effects that cannot be seen with the naked eye or with a standard video camera.
Armed and dangerous - Flipper the firing dolphin let loose by Katrina
Armed dolphins, trained by the US military to shoot terrorists and pinpoint spies underwater, may be missing in the Gulf of Mexico.
Experts who have studied the US navy's cetacean training exercises claim the 36 mammals could be carrying 'toxic dart' guns. Divers and surfers risk attack, they claim, from a species considered to be among the planet's smartest. The US navy admits it has been training dolphins for military purposes, but has refused to confirm that any are missing.
Armed dolphins, trained by the US military to shoot terrorists and pinpoint spies underwater, may be missing in the Gulf of Mexico.
Experts who have studied the US navy's cetacean training exercises claim the 36 mammals could be carrying 'toxic dart' guns. Divers and surfers risk attack, they claim, from a species considered to be among the planet's smartest. The US navy admits it has been training dolphins for military purposes, but has refused to confirm that any are missing.
26 setembro 2005
PubSub to Measure Blog Influence by Category: PubSub is today expected to unleash a new site ranking tool, called LinkRanks, that measures the "strength, persistence, and vitality" of links pointing to and from a given Web site.
23 setembro 2005
Banned Books Week 2005 is September 24?October 1
Banned Books Week (BBW) celebrates the freedom to choose or the freedom to express one?s opinion even if that opinion might be considered unorthodox or unpopular and stresses the importance of ensuring the availability of those unorthodox or unpopular viewpoints to all who wish to read them. After all, intellectual freedom can exist only where these two essential conditions are met.
Banned Books Week (BBW) celebrates the freedom to choose or the freedom to express one?s opinion even if that opinion might be considered unorthodox or unpopular and stresses the importance of ensuring the availability of those unorthodox or unpopular viewpoints to all who wish to read them. After all, intellectual freedom can exist only where these two essential conditions are met.
Sobre este assunto do Expresso, TAP e telemóveis, o Blogouve-se levanta questões pertinentes.
Resumidamente, no que me toca:
Não sei se o Expresso errou ou não na sua edição semanal. Era notícia, claro, mas não foi isso que me levou a contrastar aquelas diferenças de tratamento envolvendo empresas, uma nacional e outra britânica.
Apenas brinquei com o "choque tecnológico" e a inovação que alguns querem vender e em que certos medias embarcam. Por isso a coloquei na secção "Tecnosfera" (tecnologias e afins) e não nas "Vitamedias" (comunicação social) deste blogue.
Porque se o fizesse, teria de lembrar que o Expresso Online, no dia anterior ao que escrevi, renovou a mesma notícia a partir de um comunicado de imprensa da TAP mas voltou a omitir a bmi. E bastava ler os "press releases" da OnAir desse dia e muita outra imprensa (o anúncio teve bastante impacto por ser inovador na Europa) para ver como ambas eram citadas nesse dia.
Portanto, no campo dos media, se não acredita que "O Expresso sabia que a TAP não era a única a nível mundial a testar e ignorou esse facto?", na edição semanal, já não sei o que dizer após o dia 20. "O Expresso não sabia que afinal havia outra? (É possível)"
É, claro, mas ou é incompetência ou desconhecimento. É jornalismo? E "Se não sabia e errou irá rectificar esta semana? (É desejável)". Vamos ler.
Em resumo:
- o texto no CF&A visava a tecnologia e não os media (até porque nesse dia outros meios nacionais cometeram o mesmo erro, engoliram o que lhes foi dado sem questionar nada - e já não estavam apenas a citar o Expresso, como sucedeu entre sábado e quarta-feira);
- o texto era posterior à divulgação pública do acordo que era, sem qualquer dúvida, notícia e quando já tinha ocorrido alguma evolução que permitia clarificar a notícia do semanário.
Também por isso, duas questões:
- porque omitiu a notícia do Expresso Online de que "Companhia portuguesa será a primeira do mundo a testar comunicações em voo", como se escrevia no sábado e encolheu para "os passageiros da TAP que viajem na Europa", algo que já era dito na edição em papel (!)?
- se "a OnAir tem já serviços a bordo de voos de longo curso em transportadoras", como é que ninguém questionou a importância - a existir - da TAP e da bmi só agora quererem adoptar esta tecnologia?
Resumidamente, no que me toca:
Não sei se o Expresso errou ou não na sua edição semanal. Era notícia, claro, mas não foi isso que me levou a contrastar aquelas diferenças de tratamento envolvendo empresas, uma nacional e outra britânica.
Apenas brinquei com o "choque tecnológico" e a inovação que alguns querem vender e em que certos medias embarcam. Por isso a coloquei na secção "Tecnosfera" (tecnologias e afins) e não nas "Vitamedias" (comunicação social) deste blogue.
Porque se o fizesse, teria de lembrar que o Expresso Online, no dia anterior ao que escrevi, renovou a mesma notícia a partir de um comunicado de imprensa da TAP mas voltou a omitir a bmi. E bastava ler os "press releases" da OnAir desse dia e muita outra imprensa (o anúncio teve bastante impacto por ser inovador na Europa) para ver como ambas eram citadas nesse dia.
Portanto, no campo dos media, se não acredita que "O Expresso sabia que a TAP não era a única a nível mundial a testar e ignorou esse facto?", na edição semanal, já não sei o que dizer após o dia 20. "O Expresso não sabia que afinal havia outra? (É possível)"
É, claro, mas ou é incompetência ou desconhecimento. É jornalismo? E "Se não sabia e errou irá rectificar esta semana? (É desejável)". Vamos ler.
Em resumo:
- o texto no CF&A visava a tecnologia e não os media (até porque nesse dia outros meios nacionais cometeram o mesmo erro, engoliram o que lhes foi dado sem questionar nada - e já não estavam apenas a citar o Expresso, como sucedeu entre sábado e quarta-feira);
- o texto era posterior à divulgação pública do acordo que era, sem qualquer dúvida, notícia e quando já tinha ocorrido alguma evolução que permitia clarificar a notícia do semanário.
Também por isso, duas questões:
- porque omitiu a notícia do Expresso Online de que "Companhia portuguesa será a primeira do mundo a testar comunicações em voo", como se escrevia no sábado e encolheu para "os passageiros da TAP que viajem na Europa", algo que já era dito na edição em papel (!)?
- se "a OnAir tem já serviços a bordo de voos de longo curso em transportadoras", como é que ninguém questionou a importância - a existir - da TAP e da bmi só agora quererem adoptar esta tecnologia?
The paperless library: The internet?and pressure from funding agencies, who are questioning why commercial publishers are making money from government-funded research by restricting access to it?is making free access to scientific results a reality. [...]
The advantages afforded by the internet mean that primary data is becoming available freely online. Indeed, quite often the online paper has a direct link to it. This means that reported findings are more readily replicable and checkable by other teams of researchers. Moreover, online publication offers the opportunity for others to comment on the research. Research is also becoming more collaborative so that, before they have been finalised, papers have been reviewed by several authors. This central tenet of scholarly publishing is changing, too.
The advantages afforded by the internet mean that primary data is becoming available freely online. Indeed, quite often the online paper has a direct link to it. This means that reported findings are more readily replicable and checkable by other teams of researchers. Moreover, online publication offers the opportunity for others to comment on the research. Research is also becoming more collaborative so that, before they have been finalised, papers have been reviewed by several authors. This central tenet of scholarly publishing is changing, too.
22 setembro 2005
O início da GoogleTV: Google Jobs: you will provide leadership on product vision and execution of projects that enable using Google's search and advertising technologies to enhance users?
[Em Janeiro: Google rolls out TV search prototype]
GoogleTV - undoubtedly a boon for consumers, but...: Even for those of us who aren't big TV watchers, this heralds an era that's worth watching. Particularly in the privacy (and perceived privacy) arena... worthy questions abound; should Google profile users long-term? How will it deal with multiple family members?
[Em Janeiro: Google rolls out TV search prototype]
GoogleTV - undoubtedly a boon for consumers, but...: Even for those of us who aren't big TV watchers, this heralds an era that's worth watching. Particularly in the privacy (and perceived privacy) arena... worthy questions abound; should Google profile users long-term? How will it deal with multiple family members?
Newspapers Win Back Young Readers: It is time for newspaper professionals to stop being defensive about their medium. [...]
The problem is not the newspaper as a medium -- it?s in our heads. We need to constantly innovate and at times produce a true revolution in our products rather than be content with mere survival.
Web Giants Face Issues In Content: "We're all trying to figure out how to marry the content with technology," said Jennifer Feikin, director of Google unit Google Video.
Internet deals: A tangled Web: Merger mania is alive and well online. But are niche Internet media stocks priced to perfection?
"There is a sense of hysteria among media companies so I don't think we're nearly at the end of consolidation. But valuations already reflect that"
The problem is not the newspaper as a medium -- it?s in our heads. We need to constantly innovate and at times produce a true revolution in our products rather than be content with mere survival.
Web Giants Face Issues In Content: "We're all trying to figure out how to marry the content with technology," said Jennifer Feikin, director of Google unit Google Video.
Internet deals: A tangled Web: Merger mania is alive and well online. But are niche Internet media stocks priced to perfection?
"There is a sense of hysteria among media companies so I don't think we're nearly at the end of consolidation. But valuations already reflect that"
Grade the News: three prominent misconceptions about newspapers:
* They could serve the public better by cutting their profit expectations.
* They have a bright future.
* Their quality, and journalists' morale, are falling.
* They could serve the public better by cutting their profit expectations.
* They have a bright future.
* Their quality, and journalists' morale, are falling.
Sobre A fotografia de Bush a perguntar a Condoleeza Rice se pode ir à casa de banho, o autor explicou-a na altura: "Yes, the note is real. And yes, the president really wrote it. ?It was shot at a pretty good distance,? Wilking tells Gelf. ?I had no idea what was on the paper.? Until, that is, the editors at Reuters enlarged it. ?I was just as surprised as you,? Wilking says."
Lifehacker's guide to weblog comments
Em síntese (a negrito os que colocaria num "top 5"):
Stay on topic.
Contribute new information to the discussion.
Don?t comment for the sake of commenting.
Know when to comment and when to e-mail.
Remember that nobody likes a know-it-all.
Make the tone of your message clear.
Own your comment.
Be succinct.
Cite your sources with links or inline quoting.
Be courteous.
Don?t post when you?re angry, upset, drunk or emotional.
Do not feed or tease the trolls.
Em síntese (a negrito os que colocaria num "top 5"):
Stay on topic.
Contribute new information to the discussion.
Don?t comment for the sake of commenting.
Know when to comment and when to e-mail.
Remember that nobody likes a know-it-all.
Make the tone of your message clear.
Own your comment.
Be succinct.
Cite your sources with links or inline quoting.
Be courteous.
Don?t post when you?re angry, upset, drunk or emotional.
Do not feed or tease the trolls.
European newspaper, magazine editors to brainstorm with commissioner Reding digital challenges to print: Newspapers are read by over 180m people across Europe. But their advertising revenue is falling, their core readership is aged over 45, and younger readers appear to prefer other media. Furthermore, digital technologies are fast changing the ways in which content is distributed and consumed. What role should the EU have in all this?
Brussels calls for media code to avoid aiding terrorists: Europe's media should draw up a code of conduct to ensure that newspapers, television stations and the internet do not act as propagandists for terrorists, the European commission will say today.
In a move which is likely to provoke a debate on state controls of the media, the commission warns that journalists pose "specific risks" in the fight against "violent radicalisation". The paper - Violent Radicalisation and Terrorism Recruitment [o título correcto é "Terrorist Recruitment: addressing the factors contributing to violent radicalisation"] - warns that the media are taking an over-simplified view of the world, which plays into terrorist hands.
Brussels calls for media code to avoid aiding terrorists: Europe's media should draw up a code of conduct to ensure that newspapers, television stations and the internet do not act as propagandists for terrorists, the European commission will say today.
In a move which is likely to provoke a debate on state controls of the media, the commission warns that journalists pose "specific risks" in the fight against "violent radicalisation". The paper - Violent Radicalisation and Terrorism Recruitment [o título correcto é "Terrorist Recruitment: addressing the factors contributing to violent radicalisation"] - warns that the media are taking an over-simplified view of the world, which plays into terrorist hands.
Sudoku is a pop culture phenomenon: Wayne Gould, a Hong Kong-based entrepreneur who has written a computer program that generates Sudoku puzzles, said that his firm, Pappocom, has received "well over $1 million" in revenue in less than a year from the game.
21 setembro 2005
Mais um choque tecnológico?
O Expresso escrevia na última edição: "TAP testa telemóveis
Companhia portuguesa será a primeira do mundo a testar comunicações em voo
A TAP foi a companhia eleita a nível mundial para testar a introdução de telemóveis a bordo dos aviões. A experiência vai decorrer no final de 2006, nos voos da TAP para a Europa que são operados pelos seus três aviões Airbus 321, e irá durar três meses. Os passageiros que na ocasião viajarem nestes voos da TAP poderão efectuar chamadas, enviar SMS ou e-mails a partir dos seus telefones portáteis. Se o teste for bem sucedido, o uso de telemóveis poderá vir a ser uma realidade na aviação internacional já em 2007."
Nada como a realidade canadiana para dar cabo da inovação portuguesa: Two European airlines to test in-flight cellphone service next year: TAP Air Portugal and British carrier bmi both have agreed to introduce OnAir's voice and text service for cellphones in separate three-month trial runs, OnAir CEO George Cooper said.
O Expresso escrevia na última edição: "TAP testa telemóveis
Companhia portuguesa será a primeira do mundo a testar comunicações em voo
A TAP foi a companhia eleita a nível mundial para testar a introdução de telemóveis a bordo dos aviões. A experiência vai decorrer no final de 2006, nos voos da TAP para a Europa que são operados pelos seus três aviões Airbus 321, e irá durar três meses. Os passageiros que na ocasião viajarem nestes voos da TAP poderão efectuar chamadas, enviar SMS ou e-mails a partir dos seus telefones portáteis. Se o teste for bem sucedido, o uso de telemóveis poderá vir a ser uma realidade na aviação internacional já em 2007."
Nada como a realidade canadiana para dar cabo da inovação portuguesa: Two European airlines to test in-flight cellphone service next year: TAP Air Portugal and British carrier bmi both have agreed to introduce OnAir's voice and text service for cellphones in separate three-month trial runs, OnAir CEO George Cooper said.
Se José Sócrates anunciasse que até 2020 haveria um astronauta português, quais seriam as reacções jornalísticas?
É assim curioso como as notícias sobre o regresso do homem à Lua (seja neste Is This the Right Way to Return to the Moon? ou em jornais nacionais) não questionem que nem Bush nem os dirigentes da NASA devem então ter poder para efectivar esta promessa.
É assim curioso como as notícias sobre o regresso do homem à Lua (seja neste Is This the Right Way to Return to the Moon? ou em jornais nacionais) não questionem que nem Bush nem os dirigentes da NASA devem então ter poder para efectivar esta promessa.
As ligações telefónicas vão ficar registadas por um ano, os dados de ligação pela Internet durante um ano (Não, não são ainda os conteúdos, só os dados de tráfego). Isto na Europa em que os operadores vão ser reembolsados pelos custos directos demonstrados. Quem valida essa demonstração? E quem paga esses custos?
Commission proposes rules on communication data retention which are both effective for law enforcement and respectful of rights and business interests: The proposal provides for an EU-wide harmonisation of the obligations on providers of publicly available electronic communications, or a public telecommunications network, to retain data related to mobile and fixed telephony for a period of one year, and internet communication data, for six month. The proposed Directive would not be applicable to the actual content of the communications. It also includes a provision ensuring that the service or network providers will be reimbursed for the demonstrated additional costs they will have.
Commission proposes rules on communication data retention which are both effective for law enforcement and respectful of rights and business interests: The proposal provides for an EU-wide harmonisation of the obligations on providers of publicly available electronic communications, or a public telecommunications network, to retain data related to mobile and fixed telephony for a period of one year, and internet communication data, for six month. The proposed Directive would not be applicable to the actual content of the communications. It also includes a provision ensuring that the service or network providers will be reimbursed for the demonstrated additional costs they will have.
Eis algo ("Testimony Heard Regarding Edmonton Police Attempt to Arrest Journalist") que não ocorrerá em Portugal - apenas porque ninguém escreve sobre as inúmeras propostas de videovigilância propostas por diferentes candidatos a autarcas sem questionar a sua eficácia (das vídeocâmaras, não dos autarcas, claro...).
Descobri, via Ciência Hoje, que já existia um metablogue sobre "Blogs de Ciência" desde Março. Assim, o "Blogues de Ciência em Portugal" terminou. Não vale a pena duplicar esforços.
20 setembro 2005
Newspapers and Movies?Both Fading Fast: There are two important institutions that are about to be decimated by technology: newspapers and movies. It won't be pretty.
A media industry in decline: But it's a shame that the center of the media industry has moved to Silicon Valley and nobody told New York :-)
I should write Mayor Bloomberg a letter about that. It would point out that many Silicon Valley companies such as Google, Yahoo, and Ebay, are in fact media companies. They are technology enabled media companies.
They publish digital rather than paper pages but they carry content and advertising just like a newspaper or magazine paper page.
What challenges for the publishing industry in the digital age? Commission opens public consultation: The starting point of the consultation launched today is a Commission study on factors affecting publishing industry competitiveness indicators. The study indicates that innovation and reform are major challenges facing the EU publishing industry. Newspapers, for example, are read by over 180 million people across Europe. But their advertising revenue is falling, their core readership is aged over 45 and younger readers appear to prefer other media. Digital technologies are fast changing the ways in which content is created, combined, distributed and consumed.
A media industry in decline: But it's a shame that the center of the media industry has moved to Silicon Valley and nobody told New York :-)
I should write Mayor Bloomberg a letter about that. It would point out that many Silicon Valley companies such as Google, Yahoo, and Ebay, are in fact media companies. They are technology enabled media companies.
They publish digital rather than paper pages but they carry content and advertising just like a newspaper or magazine paper page.
What challenges for the publishing industry in the digital age? Commission opens public consultation: The starting point of the consultation launched today is a Commission study on factors affecting publishing industry competitiveness indicators. The study indicates that innovation and reform are major challenges facing the EU publishing industry. Newspapers, for example, are read by over 180 million people across Europe. But their advertising revenue is falling, their core readership is aged over 45 and younger readers appear to prefer other media. Digital technologies are fast changing the ways in which content is created, combined, distributed and consumed.
Só duas dúvidas sobre esta excelente notícia que já era antes de o ser:
- A assinatura é de Carolina Homem Christo?
- É a mesma pessoa que trabalhou com Cardoso Pires ou Maria Lamas e directora das revistas "Modas & Bordados" (1924-25) e "Eva" e "Mulheres" (1978)?
- A assinatura é de Carolina Homem Christo?
- É a mesma pessoa que trabalhou com Cardoso Pires ou Maria Lamas e directora das revistas "Modas & Bordados" (1924-25) e "Eva" e "Mulheres" (1978)?
Music to make you feel good: A psychologits has come up with the formula for the perfect feel-good song. [...]
Dr Tomas Chamorro-Premuzic, a psychology lecturer at Goldsmiths College, part of the University of London, came up with the feel-good formula:
P + Pos + T + BPM + I S (where P Pitch, Pos the % of positive lyrics, T Tonality, BPM Beats per Minute, I Images/Memories associated with the music, S Serotonin level. [...]
The top 10
1 Boo Radleys: Wake Up Boo!
2 Beach Boys: Good Vibrations
3 Jackson 5: I Want You Back
4 Beatles: Here Comes The Sun
5 Madonna: Holiday
6 Van Morrison: Brown Eyed Girl
7 The Foundations: Build Me Up Buttercup
8 Michael Jackson: Wanna Be Starting Something
9 John Paul Young: Love Is In The Air
10 The Darkness: I Believe In A Thing Called Love
Dr Tomas Chamorro-Premuzic, a psychology lecturer at Goldsmiths College, part of the University of London, came up with the feel-good formula:
P + Pos + T + BPM + I S (where P Pitch, Pos the % of positive lyrics, T Tonality, BPM Beats per Minute, I Images/Memories associated with the music, S Serotonin level. [...]
The top 10
1 Boo Radleys: Wake Up Boo!
2 Beach Boys: Good Vibrations
3 Jackson 5: I Want You Back
4 Beatles: Here Comes The Sun
5 Madonna: Holiday
6 Van Morrison: Brown Eyed Girl
7 The Foundations: Build Me Up Buttercup
8 Michael Jackson: Wanna Be Starting Something
9 John Paul Young: Love Is In The Air
10 The Darkness: I Believe In A Thing Called Love
19 setembro 2005
Reality TV bites, 82% say in poll: Eight in 10 adults have a message for TV programmers: ENOUGH ALREADY WITH REALITY!
CNN Hacks New TV Technology: "OK, let's bring on the bloggers," [CNN Washington bureau chief David Bohrman] Bohrman recalled thinking at the time. "But what became apparent after a few of those is that putting bloggers on TV to talk about bloggers blogging on blogs doesn't work. The whole reason they're blogging is because they're not on TV.
Korean online newspaper enlists army of 'citizen reporters'/Multitudes log on daily to read and respond to stories
OhmyNews is much more than a soapbox, though. It is a cross between an online news site and a sophisticated blog. Koreans flock to it. The site gets 1.7 million to 2 million page views each day, a number that shot up to 25 million during the December 2002 presidential election. [...]
The privately held Web site has been profitable since September 2003 and is projected to pull in $10 million this year, [Jean Min, director of the international news division] said. By contrast, in San Francisco pulled in $6.6 million in fiscal year 2005 and had 1.1 million average daily page views in July, according to market research firm comScore Media Metrix. The DailyKos, a popular liberal blog written in Emeryville, had 96,774 average daily page views, and conservative blog Instapundit had 32,258 in July.
The success of OhmyNews can be attributed in part to the high level of public engagement in this heavily wired, young democracy, where less than two decades have passed since military rule ended. Street protests are common, and citizens are eager to speak out online.
With the motto "every citizen is a reporter," 5-year-old OhmyNews has engaged its audience in ways that U.S. print and television news outlets, faced with a steep decline in readers and viewers, only dream of.
OhmyNews is much more than a soapbox, though. It is a cross between an online news site and a sophisticated blog. Koreans flock to it. The site gets 1.7 million to 2 million page views each day, a number that shot up to 25 million during the December 2002 presidential election. [...]
The privately held Web site has been profitable since September 2003 and is projected to pull in $10 million this year, [Jean Min, director of the international news division] said. By contrast, in San Francisco pulled in $6.6 million in fiscal year 2005 and had 1.1 million average daily page views in July, according to market research firm comScore Media Metrix. The DailyKos, a popular liberal blog written in Emeryville, had 96,774 average daily page views, and conservative blog Instapundit had 32,258 in July.
The success of OhmyNews can be attributed in part to the high level of public engagement in this heavily wired, young democracy, where less than two decades have passed since military rule ended. Street protests are common, and citizens are eager to speak out online.
With the motto "every citizen is a reporter," 5-year-old OhmyNews has engaged its audience in ways that U.S. print and television news outlets, faced with a steep decline in readers and viewers, only dream of.
27th International Conference of Data Protection and Privacy Commissioners: The current geopolitical context, and in particular the war on terrorism, the internet, biometrics, the development of invasive technologies and the appearance of biobanks, make it all the more urgent that we address the issues of basic rights and freedoms, and in particular the right to privacy, and that we uphold these as inviolable principles which should be guaranteed in all modern democratic societies.
In order to confront these challenges, the commissioners have agreed to work towards a recognition of the universal nature of data protection principles.
In order to confront these challenges, the commissioners have agreed to work towards a recognition of the universal nature of data protection principles.
The Design Encyclopedia: A growing, collaborative resource that describes, tracks and explains culture, commerce, politics, media, sports, brands ? everything possible, really ? through design.
REFRESH! first international art history conference covering art and new media, art and technology, art-science interaction, and the history of media as pertinent to contemporary art
Portugal é uma kakistrocacia?
Kakistocracy: any system of management controlled by the least competent, least qualified or most unreliable members of a society.
Kakistocracy: any system of management controlled by the least competent, least qualified or most unreliable members of a society.
14 setembro 2005
The beauty products from the skin of executed Chinese prisoners: A Chinese cosmetics company is using skin harvested from the corpses of executed convicts to develop beauty products for sale in Europe, an investigation by the Guardian has discovered.
Agents for the firm have told would-be customers it is developing collagen for lip and wrinkle treatments from skin taken from prisoners after they have been shot. The agents say some of the company's products have been exported to the UK, and that the use of skin from condemned convicts is "traditional" and nothing to "make such a big fuss about".
Agents for the firm have told would-be customers it is developing collagen for lip and wrinkle treatments from skin taken from prisoners after they have been shot. The agents say some of the company's products have been exported to the UK, and that the use of skin from condemned convicts is "traditional" and nothing to "make such a big fuss about".
O Do Portugal Profundo questionou sobre "O que é que têm os jornalistas que são diferentes dos outros?..."
Sérgio Figueiredo esclareceu no Blasfémias que "em consciência, aliás perfeitamente tranquila, penso que todas as situações que configuram uma injustiça relativa, que não têm qualquer razão especial para existir, devem ser nobviamente revistas. Incluindo, o subsistema de saúde dos jornalistas".
Curiosamente, nenhum deles fala d'"A saúde dos jornalistas": O subsistema de saúde de que os jornalistas beneficiam - e que é o mais compatível com a sua profissão - tem sido por vezes acusado de elitista e gravoso. Para demonstrar que não é verdade, pois o subsistema paga-se a si próprio e ainda contribui para o orçamento da Segurança Social, o jornalista Sérgio Figueiredo elaborou, em 1999, o estudo «Quanto Custa a Saúde dos Jornalistas»...
Sérgio Figueiredo esclareceu no Blasfémias que "em consciência, aliás perfeitamente tranquila, penso que todas as situações que configuram uma injustiça relativa, que não têm qualquer razão especial para existir, devem ser nobviamente revistas. Incluindo, o subsistema de saúde dos jornalistas".
Curiosamente, nenhum deles fala d'"A saúde dos jornalistas": O subsistema de saúde de que os jornalistas beneficiam - e que é o mais compatível com a sua profissão - tem sido por vezes acusado de elitista e gravoso. Para demonstrar que não é verdade, pois o subsistema paga-se a si próprio e ainda contribui para o orçamento da Segurança Social, o jornalista Sérgio Figueiredo elaborou, em 1999, o estudo «Quanto Custa a Saúde dos Jornalistas»...
12 setembro 2005
Four Years After September 11th: The Media Failure: the U.S. and Western media have completely failed to meet the challenge of reporting on Islam
Don't dumb me down: So how do the media work around their inability to deliver scientific evidence? They use authority figures, the very antithesis of what science is about, as if they were priests, or politicians, or parent figures. [...]
Science is done by scientists, who write it up. Then a press release is written by a non-scientist, who runs it by their non-scientist boss, who then sends it to journalists without a science education who try to convey difficult new ideas to an audience of either lay people, or more likely - since they'll be the ones interested in reading the stuff - people who know their way around a t-test a lot better than any of these intermediaries. Finally, it's edited by a whole team of people who don't understand it. You can be sure that at least one person in any given "science communication" chain is just juggling words about on a page, without having the first clue what they mean, pretending they've got a proper job, their pens all lined up neatly on the desk.
Of course a system like that will cock up.
Science is done by scientists, who write it up. Then a press release is written by a non-scientist, who runs it by their non-scientist boss, who then sends it to journalists without a science education who try to convey difficult new ideas to an audience of either lay people, or more likely - since they'll be the ones interested in reading the stuff - people who know their way around a t-test a lot better than any of these intermediaries. Finally, it's edited by a whole team of people who don't understand it. You can be sure that at least one person in any given "science communication" chain is just juggling words about on a page, without having the first clue what they mean, pretending they've got a proper job, their pens all lined up neatly on the desk.
Of course a system like that will cock up.
TV Finds Its Niches on the Internet: Aided by the growth of broadband, online television can no longer be dismissed as a novelty, even if the economics of the medium are murky.
09 setembro 2005
ZITE - The Singing Dictionary: Audio clips from online dictionaries sing the hits of yesterday and today. The fun of karaoke meets the word power of the dictionary.
08 setembro 2005
Reinventing the Nightly News: Local TV stations are throwing away bulky equipment and breaking up three-person camera crews in favor of an edgier approach that could change the way news is made.
Non-Profit Tries To Simplify Internet TV: A non-profit group wants to make it easy for anyone to be an Internet-TV broadcaster.
The Participatory Culture Foundation, funded by technology celebrities Mitch Kapor and Andy Rappaport, has built open-source software for publishing video over the Internet using standard RSS feeds, and viewer software that includes the ability to subscribe to feeds and manage them.
Local TV's Brave News World: Can "video journalists" and "citizen journalists" lead TV out of the abyss?
Non-Profit Tries To Simplify Internet TV: A non-profit group wants to make it easy for anyone to be an Internet-TV broadcaster.
The Participatory Culture Foundation, funded by technology celebrities Mitch Kapor and Andy Rappaport, has built open-source software for publishing video over the Internet using standard RSS feeds, and viewer software that includes the ability to subscribe to feeds and manage them.
Local TV's Brave News World: Can "video journalists" and "citizen journalists" lead TV out of the abyss?
New Search Engines Help Users Find Blogs: Users Say Google and Yahoo Fail to Locate Latest Postings; A Guide to the Top Sites [Technorati, IceRocket, Feedster, DayPop, Bloglines, BlogPulse]
The New News: Why I am returning to journalism? on the web.
The emerging new news goes by several names and takes different approaches.
: "Hyperlocal" news sites cover one city, part of a city, or a town or collection of towns [...]
: "Stand-alone journalism" means a single reporter starting a site [...]
: "Citizen journalism" relies on readers to write the stories and take the photos.
The emerging new news goes by several names and takes different approaches.
: "Hyperlocal" news sites cover one city, part of a city, or a town or collection of towns [...]
: "Stand-alone journalism" means a single reporter starting a site [...]
: "Citizen journalism" relies on readers to write the stories and take the photos.
(via The Talent Show)
White House to Censor Photos of Incompetent Officials: The White House has requested that media outlets refrain from taking pictures of incompetent members of the Bush Administration or particular acts of incompetence. Under the new policy, journalists would be barred from photographing FEMA chief Michael Brown, Homeland Security head Michael Chertoff and President Bush himself. The move comes amid mounting criticism by conservatives that the mainstream media is exaggerating the incompetence of the Administration.
U.S. agency blocks photos of New Orleans dead: The U.S. government agency leading the rescue efforts after Hurricane Katrina said on Tuesday it does not want the news media to take photographs of the dead as they are recovered from the flooded New Orleans area.
FEMA Wants No Photos of Dead: The U.S. agency leading Hurricane Katrina rescue efforts said Tuesday that it does not want the news media to photograph the dead as they are recovered.
Study Ties Indecency to Consolidation of Media: According to the report [by the Center for Creative Voices in Media and Fordham University], as leading broadcasters such as Clear Channel Communications and Viacom Inc.'s Infinity Broadcasting have bought more stations, they have frequently replaced local programming with shock jocks such as Howard Stern and Bubba the Love Sponge, who are prone to vulgarity.
promiscuidade, factos e 'ficção'
O PS e a TVI: O PS, o Governo e Santos Silva recusam dizer claramente o que pensam. Ou o que não pensam. Mas há três perguntas às quais, mais tarde ou mais cedo, vão ter que dar esclarecimentos.
O PS e a TVI: O PS, o Governo e Santos Silva recusam dizer claramente o que pensam. Ou o que não pensam. Mas há três perguntas às quais, mais tarde ou mais cedo, vão ter que dar esclarecimentos.
07 setembro 2005
Group: Yahoo Helped China Jail Journalist: A French media watchdog said Tuesday that information provided by Internet powerhouse Yahoo Inc. helped Chinese authorities convict and jail a journalist who had written an e-mail about press restrictions.
The criticism from Reporters Without Borders marks the latest instance in which a prominent high-tech company has faced accusations of cooperating with Chinese authorities to gain favor in a country that's expected to become an Internet gold mine.
The criticism from Reporters Without Borders marks the latest instance in which a prominent high-tech company has faced accusations of cooperating with Chinese authorities to gain favor in a country that's expected to become an Internet gold mine.
Sentido de Estado...:
George Bush's photo-op tour of New Orleans [solidariedade para a foto...]
Chertoff: Katrina scenario did not exist: Defending the U.S. government's response to Hurricane Katrina, Homeland Security Secretary Michael Chertoff argued Saturday that government planners did not predict such a disaster ever could occur.
But in fact, government officials, scientists and journalists have warned of such a scenario for years.
George Bush's photo-op tour of New Orleans [solidariedade para a foto...]
Chertoff: Katrina scenario did not exist: Defending the U.S. government's response to Hurricane Katrina, Homeland Security Secretary Michael Chertoff argued Saturday that government planners did not predict such a disaster ever could occur.
But in fact, government officials, scientists and journalists have warned of such a scenario for years.
Copyright claims -- the next gotcha? One of your employees just read an article he likes, so he e-mails a copy to 10 colleagues. No problem, right?
Think again. If the company does not have permission to forward electronic copies of the article, its employees might have just committed copyright infringement. And don't assume it's not a "real" problem just because you haven't heard much about it.
Think again. If the company does not have permission to forward electronic copies of the article, its employees might have just committed copyright infringement. And don't assume it's not a "real" problem just because you haven't heard much about it.
05 setembro 2005
20 Things They Don't Want You to Know: We reveal some of what vendors are keeping mum, such as: You never have to pay full price, extended warranties rarely pay for themselves, and the big sites do have customer service numbers.
Most scientific papers are probably wrong: Assuming that the new paper is itself correct, problems with experimental and statistical methods mean that there is less than a 50% chance that the results of any randomly chosen scientific paper are true.
After the Hurricane [cartoons sobre o Katrina e Nova Orleães]
Katrina damages New Orleans landmarks
Bloggers, Citizen Journalists See Katrina From The Inside: "Traditional journalism is the outside looking in," Mitch Gelman, executive vice president of, said. "Citizen journalism is the inside looking out. In order to get the complete story, it helps to have both point of views."
The city that will be: what will the new New Orleans look like? How much will it resemble its antediluvian self?
Hurricanes: Today [April 2005], parts of New Orleans lie up to 20 feet below sea level, and the city is sinking at a rate of about nine millimeters a year. "This makes New Orleans the most vulnerable major city to hurricanes," says John Hall of the Army Corps of Engineers. "That?s because the water has to go down, not up, to reach it."
Katrina damages New Orleans landmarks
Bloggers, Citizen Journalists See Katrina From The Inside: "Traditional journalism is the outside looking in," Mitch Gelman, executive vice president of, said. "Citizen journalism is the inside looking out. In order to get the complete story, it helps to have both point of views."
The city that will be: what will the new New Orleans look like? How much will it resemble its antediluvian self?
Hurricanes: Today [April 2005], parts of New Orleans lie up to 20 feet below sea level, and the city is sinking at a rate of about nine millimeters a year. "This makes New Orleans the most vulnerable major city to hurricanes," says John Hall of the Army Corps of Engineers. "That?s because the water has to go down, not up, to reach it."
"Sectarismo": O jornalismo português é como o país, nem melhor nem pior. Tem coisas boas e más, alguma aldrabice, amadorismo e profissionalismo, lado a lado, e muitas omoletas sem ovos. Nos momentos de maior tensão, quando as opiniões se extremam, é frequente ser-se preso por ter cão e preso por não ter. [...]
Como costuma dizer um amigo meu: não se deve atribuir à maldade o que a simples incompetência explica facilmente.
Terceiro Mundo aqui à porta: Porque é que os portugueses se preocupam mais com as responsabilidades dos políticos do outro lado do Atlântico do que com as responsabilidades dos líderes que pertencem à União Europeia?
Como costuma dizer um amigo meu: não se deve atribuir à maldade o que a simples incompetência explica facilmente.
Terceiro Mundo aqui à porta: Porque é que os portugueses se preocupam mais com as responsabilidades dos políticos do outro lado do Atlântico do que com as responsabilidades dos líderes que pertencem à União Europeia?
João Lopes e Nuno Galopim juntos no sound + vision: A música, o cinema, o som e a imagem. E também a fotografia, a pintura, a rádio, a televisão, os livros, o que nos entusiasme e estimule. Não comentaremos autarcas nem ministros, empresários nem matemáticos? Mas talvez sim?
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