31 março 2006


Who Controls the Internet vs An Army of Davids: I'm a cyberlibertarian of sorts myself, of course, but of a somewhat less effusive variety. And perhaps that's where we differ. The bubble you burst isn't one I've ever fully believed in. My new book, An Army of Davids, looks at how technology is empowering individuals to do things that once were the province of nation-states and big corporations. But though I do think the Internet has empowered individuals in new ways, I don't think that makes nation-states obsolete, or impotent. Cyberspace may declare independence from government, but the actual people who are using cyberspace are embedded in the real world and subject to real-world constraints and coercion.

Océanos no tan oscuros: Como el iceberg, que mantiene la mayor parte de su estructura oculta bajo el agua gélida, Internet está muy lejos de ser el sitio perfectamente conocido que piensan la mayoría de los usuarios. Decenas de miles de bases de datos pueblan la Red lejos del alcance de los alargados brazos de los buscadores, y en ellas viven durmiendo Terabytes de informaciones a las que sólo se puede acceder indirectamente. Es la llamada Internet Profunda

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