26 maio 2006


Um terço do software vendido no ano passado era ilegal, revela o relatório anual da Business Software Alliance, conduzido pela IDC, que estima perdas globais resultantes da pirataria na ordem dos 34 mil milhões de dólares, mais 1,6 mil milhões que no ano passado.

BSA: Bogus Stats as Always: Ah, it's the middle of May, and that means it's time for the Business Software Alliance to come out with their bogus yearly stats on how much unauthorized copies of software are costing the industry. Two years ago, after the numbers came out, even the company that did the research for the BSA (research firm IDC) publicly said that the BSA was trying to mislead the public by claiming that every unauthorized copy was a "lost sale." Even having said that, it didn't stop the research firm from doing the same research again last year, only to see the BSA again misrepresent the results. At least last year, a few commentators called on the BSA to stop the scaremongering. It appears such calls didn't have any effect.