09 agosto 2006


Oops: Technorati's Numbers are Wrong: These numbers are overly optimistic and dangerous. There are not 50 million blogs. Blogs are great and all but too much hype is a bad thing.
There might have been 50 million blogs that have ever been created but there aren't 50 million blogs in active use.
Lets use Technorati's own numbers to clear up the confusion.
They claim there are "about 1.6 Million postings per day" which if we do the math (assuming this number is correct) yields 0.032 posts per blog per day. Not very impressive.
I don't know about you but I post about 2-3 posts per day on average. Lets be generous and say that a blog has to post at least once per day to be considered active.
This means that on any given day Technorati only has 1.6M active blogs which is a LOT smaller than the 50 million number that Technorati claims. [...]

the average posts per weblog is falling not growing.
This leads us to two conclusions:
1. The number of active blogs is on a linear growth scale not an exponential scale
2. Technorati has a high number of inactive weblogs in their index.