16 outubro 2006


Reuters opens virtual news bureau in Second Life: Reuters is opening a news bureau in the simulation game Second Life this week, joining a race by corporate name brands to take part in the hottest virtual world on the Internet.
The Reporter Is Real, but the World He Covers Isn?t: While many independent journalists and bloggers have published inside such virtual worlds, Reuters is the first established news agency to dispatch a full-time reporter to do so.
Interview: Adam Pasick, Reuters? virtual world bureau chief
Q: What are you doing in Second Life as a reporter running a bureau for Reuters?
Adam: As strange as it might seem, it?s not all that different from being a reporter in the real world. You talk to as many people as you can, you read what you can, you find interesting stories and you chase them down. The fact that we are in a virtual world, once you get used to it, it becomes very much like the job I?ve been doing for years.