A warning label on a washing machine at a laundromat that warns, "Do not put any person in this washer" has been chosen as the nation’s wackiest warning label in M-LAW’s annual Wacky Warning Label Contest.
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The $250 second place award went to Rich Heitzig of Brooklyn Park, Minnesota for a label on a personal watercraft that warns: "Never use a lit match or open flame to check fuel level."
There was a tie for third place prize. Farrah Kakavand of Oak Park, California won a share of third place and $100 for a warning she found on a Super Lotto ticket which says, "Do not iron"
The other third place winner was found by Nancy Shue of York, Pennsylvania on a on a cell phone. The warning? It says: "Don’t try to dry your phone in a microwave oven."
Honorable mention goes to Ronald Hyman of Augusta, Georgia for a warning he found on the cover of his local Yellow Pages book which cautions users: "Please do not use this directory while operationg a moving vehicle."