16 março 2007


Já foi salientado que homens e mulheres nem sempre olham para os mesmos pontos numa imagem ou texto "online" (a imagem é do estudo "Eyetracking points the way to effective news article design".

Mas atenção que o fenómeno não é único. Por exemplo, artistas e "leigos" também olham para as imagens de forma diferente. Um exemplo:

So why do artists look at pictures - especially non-abstract pictures - differently from non-artists?
Stine Vogt and Svein Magnussen showed 16 pictures including these two to trained artists and non-artists (psychologists) enrolled in Norway's top graduate programs in their respective disciplines, using eye-tracking cameras and software to monitor where they looked. [...]
Vogt and Magnussen argue that it comes down to training: artists have learned to identify the real details of a picture, not just the ones that are immediately most salient to the perceptual system, which is naturally disposed to focusing on objects and faces. With this in mind, there's little doubt which pictures above show the artist's eye movements -- they are the ones to the right, which sweep across the whole picture, not just the human face and figure.