Freelancer Josh Wolf to Be Freed After Turning Tape Over to Judge: Josh Wolf, a freelance video blogger, is expected to be freed from federal custody Tuesday after nearly 7 1/2 months imprisonment for not obeying a grand jury subpoena to turn over unpublished footage of San Francisco anarchist protest. Wolf, who spent more time behind bars protecting his source materials than any other American journalist in history, agreed to turn over the tape to a judge, who will likely then hand it over to the feds, something that may not even be necessary as Wolf posted the video on his blog.
Blogger freed after giving video to feds
Blogger Makes Deal, Is Released From Jail: Was he acting as a journalist in videotaping the demonstration?
"It was journalism to the extent that I went out to capture the truth and present it to the public," Wolf said. "It has nothing to do with whether or not I'm employed by a corporation or I carry a press pass."