Portugal: Cultivation of GM maize extended without co-existence problems
In 2007, 164 farms in Portugal grew genetically modified maize on a total area of 4,199 hectares. Nationally, the cultivation of GM maize occupies thereby 3.6 per cent of the total maize area and has tripled in comparison to the previous year. Upon examination, no neighbouring fields were found to contain a GMO content greater than 0.9 per cent. [...]
Officials also polled farmers on their reasons for using GM maize. 86 per cent of farmers cited the reduction in the application of insecticide, 69 per cent cited better yields and, again, 86 per cent cited the higher quality of harvested products.
OGM LEVAM AO CONSUMO DE PESTICIDAS: O cultivo de transgénicos a nível mundial está a conduzir a um aumento massivo do consumo de pesticidas e só as empresas que os vendem podem lucrar com tal situação.