08 julho 2008

Hiperligações vs. sites sociais (com comentário)

The Importance Of Blog Linking Seems to Be Declining: Now, I'm not saying that this data proves linking is dead. I know links power Google juice, and they enhance Technorati rankings, and if done well, people can find new sources of data, but the ability for even a so-called A-List blogger to deliver a windfall of visits is much less than I had ever expected. It is now more important to be part of the social media sites that drive strong traffic - the Twitters and Techmemes and FriendFeeds and Stumbleupons and Reddits, if traffic is your goal. Those sites, combined with RSS activity in Google Reader and other programs are what will drive traffic. So don't wait around begging for Scoble or Mashable to write you up. It might not have the effect you thought.

Louis - what you need to realize is that most times when a blog references another blog, it's part of an overall story about some topic. The topic or product will typically receive the traffic while the other blogs will get the link juice. Some big blogs refuse to link out anymore, except to their own site network.

The sad part is that at this rate with the changes going on, blogging will be dead within a year - especially tech blogging. People aren't realizing yet that cannibalism is going on. Save my comment and look back in a year and see if I am right :)