31 outubro 2008

Noites com Lua, Vénus e Júpiter

Halloween Sky Show: On Oct. 31st, the crescent Moon will sneak up on Venus for a close encounter of startling beauty. [...]

On Nov. 1st, Venus and the Moon emerge from the twilight side-by-side, Venus on the right, the Moon on the left [...]

The show continues on Nov. 2nd with Venus, the still-slender crescent Moon, and Jupiter arrayed in a broad line across the southwestern sky [...]

Nightfall on Nov. 3rd reveals the Moon transported to Jupiter [...]

As hard as it may be to believe, these nights of dark beauty are just a hint of things to come. The real show begins one month after Halloween when Venus, the Moon, and Jupiter converge on a tiny patch of sky no bigger than the end of your thumb held at arm's length: sky map. Dec. 1st is the best night to look, even better than Halloween.