04 dezembro 2008


Obama open sources policy web site: US president-elect Barack Obama is easing the copyright restrictions that cover his transition plans, and has placed all material on his Change.gov web site under the Creative Commons 3.0 licence.

The licence will allow users to copy, distribute and transmit all material from the site, as well as to adapt and 'remix' the information, provided that the site is sourced for all material used. ["Except where otherwise noted"...]

Open Government: the Obama team has modified the copyright notice on change.gov to embrace the intellectual property licensing of Creative Communs, allowing bloggers and others to freely use it.

A group of internet visionaries, lead by Lawrence Lessig, launched today a letter making the case for a looser online copyright regime. [...] “To further support President Obama’s commitment to change, and to help make it tangible, we offer three “open transition principles” to guide the transition in its use of the Internet to produce the very best in open government.”

The “Principles for an Open Transition” are three:

1. No Legal Barrier to Sharing
2. No Technological Barrier to Sharing
3. Free competition

[Obrigado, Diogo]