So Who Sucks Worse, Summertown Sun Publishing or Flickr? Flickr user Dazzlecat (the account is closed now) wrote a blog post yesterday complaining about censorship of her photostream and images by Flickr. Apparently, according to Dazzlecat, she had posted some public domain photographs to her Flickrstream. Now this would seem a perfectly acceptable thing to do to me, but apparently some publishing outfit called Summertown Sun (publishers of Luna Girl Images) sent flickr a take down notice and so Flickr permanently deleted Dazzlecat’s photos. [...]
Summerstown Sun Publishing responds: The photo you post and your comments falsely accuse us of deceitful and unethical behavior. As stated various places on our website, we claim copyright on images we have creatively altered, which includes hundreds in our collections; such alterations remove them from the public domain.
Summerstown Sun Publishing About Copyright & Licensing: While most of our images were originally public domain, we have creatively altered many of them, and these alterations and/or altered versions are now protected by copyright.