16 março 2009

Crise nas artes

Creative buds can bloom in a recession: There is less money but more working space in hard times

Artists in survival mode as market crumbles: As galleries cut back and sales plummet, many artists are struggling to scrape by with odd jobs.

Arts world braced for 'hurricane' as recession hits: From art galleries to opera houses, UK cultural organisations face cutbacks or even collapse as private sponsors pull out and government money dries up

Discussions on arts cuts 'sacrosanct': Deputy Canadian Heritage Minister Judith LaRocque refused yesterday to give a parliamentary committee any details about how the Conservative government chose $44.8-million in arts and culture programs to be cut last fall.

Could box office bonanza dry up? After several years of moaning that hedge funds had overfilled the release schedule, studios began threatening to cut back their slates. Now, they may be cutting back more than they wanted.

Russian movie industry in grips of big chill: About 100 Russian film projects have been canceled or suspended since the fall, when the film industry experienced the impact of the economic crisis, according to the Russian film industry's trade journal, Byulleten kinoprokatchuika. Earlier this year, Mosfilm, the country's largest studio complex, said it had no films being shot in its studios.