01 março 2009

Pokémon da blogosfera?!?

What Are You Doing? Media Twitterers Can’t Stop Typing: It’s tempting to dismiss Twitter fever as a passing fad, the Pokémon of the blogosphere. But it’s beginning to look more like yet another gateway drug to full-blown media narcissism.

It’s not just television, of course. Ordinary people, bloggers and even columnists and book authors, who all already have platforms for their views, feel compelled to share their split-second aperçus, no matter how mundane.

Politicians are following the herd, though those who tweet too soon live to back-tweet.

A propósito (auto-promoção): A idade da transparência: O que leva jornalistas, políticos ou celebridades mediáticas a adoptarem uma tecnologia como o Twitter? Será moda? Muito provavelmente, o desejo de publicidade pessoal.