04 novembro 2009

Excesso de informação? Tolstoi foi um moderado...

How Many Words Do You See in a Day? (daqui: Has the 'link economy' reached the point where news sites produce information overload rather than managing it?)

- news sites average around 450 links on their homes pages, whereas 10 years ago they averaged just 12 links per home page

- If you pick up a US or UK newspaper you'll see four to six stories on the front page and maybe eight to 10 refers to other stories, that's an average total of 12 headlines on one page. In contrast, the average news website has 335 story or section links on their homepage

- if you go online and visit 200 web pages in one day... you'll see on average 490,000 words; War & Peace was only 460,000 words.