Culturas, economia e política, tecnologia e impactos sociais, media, contaminantes sociais, coisas estranhas... Cultures, economy and politics, technology and social impacts, media, social contamination, weird stuff...
24 janeiro 2012
Coisas que é bom saber
How Economic Contractions and Expansions Affect Expenditure Patterns: The common assumption is that a household’s tastes would not change as a function of economic conditions and therefore any adjustments in expenditure patterns during economic contractions/expansions would simply be due to changes in the consumption budget. Standard economic models translate these budgetary effects into lateral movements along a set of fixed Engel curves, which relate category expenditure shares to total expenditures. We propose and test a conceptual framework based on the notion of relative consumption, which prescribes that, for any given total consumption budget, expenditure shares for positional goods/services will decrease during a recession, while shares for nonpositional goods/services will increase (i.e., shifting the entire Engel curve upward or downward, depending on the nature of the expenditure category and the economic conditions).