In addition, all industries form a bell curve. At some point along the way, every industry will experience a period of peak demand for their goods or service.
Many of our largest industries today are entering the second half of the bell curve.
To understand this, ask the simple question, “What goods and services that we buy today will we be spending less money on in the future?” The list you come up should include energy, transportation, healthcare, publishing, insurance, telecom, education, construction, mining, and many more. [...]
Since stable old businesses tend to be major campaign contributors, policymakers tend to favor them over young startups. While the writers suggest the key to more jobs is a good start-up lobby, the real path to job creation is more automation. [...]
Our economy is based on people. Humans are the buying entities, the connectors, the decision-makers, and the trade partners that make our economy work.
Without humans there can be no economy. So when it comes to automation, consider this:
- A person with a toolbox is more valuable than a person without one.
- A person with a computer is more valuable than a person without one.
- A person with a robot is more valuable than a person without one.
Automation does not happen simply for the sake of automation. It’s intended to benefit people.
If we only look at what automation will eliminate, we’ll be viewing the world through a glass-half-empty lens. [...]
Whenever jobs go away, politicians tend to have a kneejerk reaction trying to implement legislation that enables us to hang on to the past for a while longer.
But job losses will happen regardless of whatever overt attempts are made to stop the hands of time.
Thomas Frey, em "Fastest Way to Create New Jobs? Automate Them Out of Existence!" (negritos meus)