08 dezembro 2013

Pensamentos convergentes

Quem disse isto?:“They’re the very same people who have a zealot-like faith in their own church, which happens to be the church of big government,” she continued. “That debt that’s rising and growing so large that our kids and grand kids are never going to be able to pay it back. No, no matter how they spin it, those Orwellian double-speaking words that we hear so often today.” (...)

“Our free stuff today is being paid for today by taking money from our children and borrowing money from China,” she opined. “When that note comes due — and this isn’t racist so try it anyway, this isn’t racist — but it’s going to be like slavery when that note is due, right? We are going to be beholden to a foreign master.”

E quem "apontou a dívida como uma "forma moderna de escravatura", afirmando mesmo que, "de certa forma", Portugal está nessa fase. "Estamos, em grande medida, escravos da nossa dívida. Pois não é verdade que há dois anos fomos mais ou menos obrigados a assinar um acordo sem o qual não havia dinheiro para muitas coisas? Quem vai por ai depois sujeita-se", assinalou."