15 setembro 2020

Portugal incluído: the present study explores the existing policies and strategies at European and national level, as well as the state-of-play of the use of innovative technologies in justice. Following comprehensive consultations, the study identified 130 projects that use innovative technologies - 93 projects of Member State authorities and the judiciary, 8 – of legal professional organisations and 29 - of ICT companies based on their products and services. The study identified 8 categories of business problems that the projects aim to solve and mapped these problems to 8 business solution categories. https://op.europa.eu/en/publication-detail/-/publication/4fb8e194-f634-11ea-991b-01aa75ed71a1/language-en

Portugal incluído: the present study explores the existing policies and strategies at European and national level, as well as the state-of-play of the use of innovative technologies in justice. Following comprehensive consultations, the study identified 130 projects that use innovative technologies - 93 projects of Member State authorities and the judiciary, 8 – of legal professional organisations and 29 - of ICT companies based on their products and services. The study identified 8 categories of business problems that the projects aim to solve and mapped these problems to 8 business solution categories. https://op.europa.eu/en/publication-detail/-/publication/4fb8e194-f634-11ea-991b-01aa75ed71a1/language-en