06 agosto 2021

On cloud, Telegeography's figures for Southern European showed that in 2016 no cloud provider had created a cloud regions, however, by 2020, there were two. Over "the next year or two", there will be at least eight, half of these based in Madrid, with the upcoming openings including Amazon, Google, Microsoft and OVH. Feeding all of this is a network of 45 submarine cables, 10 landing in Spain and nine in Portugal, with another six in the process of being deployed. Half of the new cables will land on the Iberian Peninsula: Grace Hopper in Bilbao, Equiano in Lisbon, and 2Africa in Lisbon and Barcelona, the city's first international cable landing. https://www.capacitymedia.com/articles/3829045/de-cix-ellalink-interxion-and-telegeography-put-connectivity-on-the-map