02 março 2005


A tele-visão sobre os jornais: como se sabe o que quer a audiência?
About Face: I think you've got to think of a completely new way of looking at what journalism is about, and this is something that publishers have had a great deal of difficulty doing. Very few of them manage to grasp this, and that's this very simple point. What they produce every day is not a website or a blog or a newspaper or, in our case, a magazine. What we actually produce every day is our intellectual property - our journalism - and how we distribute that has to be driven entirely by the demands of our audience. So, if they want it in print, we should do it in print. If they want it on a website, we should do it that way. If they want it in person, we should do it that way. But traditional journalism in the sense of reporters going out, finding stories, developing contacts; editors then processing all that material - that is a very expensive business, and the sort of money that newspapers could get for their advertising in print just isn't coming up at the same level on line in order to fund those newsrooms.