22 maio 2006


The End: The experts have spoken. Mass media is reported to be on its last legs. A handful of new media entities with remarkably silly names: Blogs, Vlogs, YouTube, Podcasts, and Yahoo! are leading the charge, leaving traditional forms of communications to play catch-up or get left behind.
The CBC's pop culture specialist Jian Ghomeshi ponders the fate of mass media and asks whether we are nearing a world without television, radio or print in THE END, a three-part series airing on CBC Newsworld.
With new trends in media emerging on what seems to be a daily basis, many have been predicting the fall of traditional communications for some time. There are always new trends, toys and gadgets, but which of them will survive and emerge victorious? And what will our increasingly wired, (or is that wireless), world look like in this age of instant information gratification?
Is this really the end of TV and radio as we know it?