19 fevereiro 2007


Para ajudar à conversa sobre os novos (e velhos) media na mesa do Abrupto, Adufe 4.0 (e ligações), Bloguítica, Indústrias Culturais e Mas Certamente que Sim!, duas ideias fortes (os negritos são meus):

Content already is free: First, this is a post-scarcity media economy. Most news is a commodity. And that which isn’t faces no end of competition. OK, so I can get the Wall Street Journal only because I pay. And, yes, it’s good. But there is plenty of other media coverage of business out there, covering mostly the same news. And I don’t have an expense account anymore. So I’ll find plenty that is good enough. If your content is not free, you have to compete with free, and that’s damned hard. [...]
In addition, the value in media is — and always has been — the relationship, not the sale of the physical product (the manufacture of which also brings considerable cost not included in these envelope-calculations). If you cut off that relationship, you diminish your value — just ask those Times columnists trapped behind their wall — and cede that value to your many new competitors. Indeed, if you are really smart, you’ll realize that our “consumption” of that “free” “content” — our remixing and tagging and linking and recommending and correcting and behavioral-data-making — adds value. But you have to be quick enough to capture it.
Who cares whether content wants to be free? It already is. Deal with it.

[BTW, Paulo, sobre a pobreza ou riqueza do DN Online, só um pormenor: a direcção foi demitida há dias, o novo director interino já assumiu funções e escreveu editoriais e o que se continua a ler no DN Online?
Segunda, 19 de Fevereiro de 2007
Edição Papel
Director: António José Teixeira
Directores adjuntos: João Morgado Fernandes, Eduardo Dâmaso e Helena Garrido]