Lembram-se deste "E se a Europa proibisse a disseminação de vídeos pessoais?"
Bom, há formas mais genuínas para contornar isso. E acabar com o cidadão-jornalista que filme situações de violência policial, por exemplo...
New prevention of criminality law poses threat to citizen reporting: Reporters Without Borders voiced concern today about a new French law on the prevention of criminality following its approval by the constitutional council on 3 March. "The sections of this law supposedly dealing with ’happy slapping’ in fact have a much broader scope, and posting videos online showing violence against people could now be banned, even if it were the police who were carrying out the violence," the organisation said.
Validation de la loi Sarkozy contre la délinquance par le conseil constitutionnel: La prohibition de la diffusion de vidéos violentes sur internet porte une grave atteinte à la liberté d’expression et d’information
France bans citizen journalists from reporting violence: The French Constitutional Council has approved a law that criminalizes the filming or broadcasting of acts of violence by people other than professional journalists. The law could lead to the imprisonment of eyewitnesses who film acts of police violence, or operators of Web sites publishing the images, one French civil liberties group warned on Tuesday.
The council chose an unfortunate anniversary to publish its decision approving the law, which came exactly 16 years after Los Angeles police officers beating Rodney King were filmed by amateur videographer George Holliday on the night of March 3, 1991. The officers’ acquittal at the end on April 29, 1992 sparked riots in Los Angeles.
Mostrar isto passa a ser proibido em França?
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