Google gives world net test lab [..] in tandem with the New America Foundation's Open Technology Institute and the PlanetLab Consortium, the search giant unveiled Measurement Lab - a distributed server platform where online researchers can set up their very own net tests.
tools running on
M-Lab to test your Internet connection.
* Network Diagnostic Tool: Test your connection speed and receive sophisticated diagnosis of problems limiting speed.
* Glasnost: Test whether BitTorrent is being blocked or throttled.
* Network Path and Application Diagnosis: Diagnose common problems that impact last-mile broadband networks.
* DiffProbe (coming soon): Determine whether an ISP is giving some traffic a lower priority than other traffic.
* NANO (coming soon): Determine whether an ISP is degrading the performance of a certain subset of users, applications, or destinations.
Google Toolbar in Firefox: a personalized new tab page: Now, when you open up a new tab, instead of the blank white page you see by default in Firefox, you will instead see small thumbnails of your favorite sites (up to 9), as well as recently-closed and bookmarked pages based on your browser history.
Google Maps Find of the Day: The Google Maps
van runs over a baby deer. (Due to several user requests using
the “Report a concern” tool, these images are no longer available in Street View.) [
Oh deer]