04 março 2009

Mais comunicação, menos entretenimento

More Time Spent Online Communicating Than Getting Entertained: As the number of people engaged in social media increases, people are more likely to be involved in communicating than seeking out entertaining activities online such as viewing Web sites for fun. That's according to "Media Shifts to Social," a Netpop Research report and follows a study on social networkers released in December.

# Time spent communicating online went from 27 percent of time online in 2006 to 32 percent in 2008. Communication, in the survey, includes activities such as e-mail, instant messaging, posting to blogs, and photo sharing. "We're really looking to create personal relationships and communicating with people," said Josh Crandall, president of Netpop.

# Time devoted to entertaining activities online went from 49 percent of the time spent online in 2006 to 20 percent two years later. Entertainment was defined as participating in online games, accessing videos, and accessing Web sites for fun.

# 54 percent of micro-bloggers post content or "tweet" daily.